Chapter 6

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High Haven was one of the biggest strip clubs in the area. A strip club that was famous for all the curvy women, and the rich men. The average salary would be at least $500 a night. I wouldn't mind working here but the way these old bastards eye down women as if they were a play thing made me uncomfortable. I wouldn't be able to deal with that everyday. I wonder how these women do it.

I knew by now that this wasn't at all Broady scenery. A club full of heterosexual? Yea, not his thing.

Me and Broady were mostly hanging around the bar. Lance was always the type to drink before he jumped so I was certain he was going to be around, but no luck. The sound of multiple glasses clicking down on the table broke my thoughts.

"Thank you"

The server gave a tiny smile before serving his next customer. I grabbed the shot, drinking in down in a singular gulp. God this was the shit.


It was way too loud in here to have an actual conversation. But I needed to at least tell him I was going to find Lance. Although his attention seemed to be somewhere else. I looked to where his eyes were pointing to and realised he was looking at a man. A man who isn't his boyfriend. I snapped my fingers in his direction of sight and his eyes flashed back to me.

"Broady you can't. You're in a relationship"

"So are you"

"You're in a healthy relationship"

I dragged on the word healthy. Broady and his boyfriend have been dating for a few months, and it hasn't been that long since he came out to me. I was honestly so proud of him for talking to me about it, he was never really the type who'd open up and it made me really happy that he did.

Just thinking of Broady ending up in a relationship like mine makes me feel like shit. I don't want him to go through what I do. Before he could speak I went first.

"I'm gonna go look for Lance okay? Don't think about that guy anymore, you're taken"

I lifted myself off my seat and began wandering around the club. I bet Broady would've said 'you should really take your own advice' and I'd reply with 'i can't take it when shits already happened'.


Walking around such a huge club like this makes me feel like shit. All this walking, God my legs are gonna give out. Everywhere I look I see half naked women, dancing on men. Money being thrown around like it's not shit, old and young men drooling over bodies being grinded on them. Goodness.

I looked to my right and finally spotted who I was looking for. Lance. Finally.

He was by himself. The anger in me was there but all that was shown was a smile. Although it quickly faded when a stripper got on top of him. His straight-faced look turned into a smirk. His hands on her waist, grinding her back and forth on his lap.

Eye contact. For a brief second. We made eye contact. Then. A smirk. On his face. Looking towards me. Teasing me. I wanted to cry, I wanted to hit him, I wanted to yell at him. I wanted. I wanted fucking revenge.

My eyes scanned for the closest male I could find. We were right next to the staging area of the show and an older man walked away, discomfort showing on his face. The sleeves of his shirt were rolled up half way, the shirt tugged so tightly to his chest you could almost see how defined it is. His hair, oh god his hair. Fucking sexy. Woah. I wouldn't say I marched but god damn I felt like I did. Being in his presence, shit.

I grabbed him by his wrist, not letting him have a say in anything that I'm doing and dragged him towards Lance's table. I wanted to know what he was thinking at this moment, what was going on inside his head with me dragging him around like some dog on a leash. I wondered what he sounds like, cute or hot. Either one I don't think anything could go wrong when he has looks like those.

"How'd you know I loved being dragged around by women?"

Sarcasm. The best type of trait. His voice, the best type of sound. Deep and low. Beautiful. I was hoping the thickness of my hair would cover the extreme amount of colour on my face. Dammit Khloe.
Wait he's probably waiting for a response. I didn't want to end up saying the wrong thing. Words Khloe, words, good words. Think.

"A hunch"

Sarcasm with sarcasm. Khloe, you're awesome.

We stopped right in front of Lance, the first thing my eyes travelled to. Him. Although his eyes weren't on me, but on the stranger I so happened to pick up. My arms were wrapped around his neck and my eyes were now focuses on the man in front of me.

Once his attention was back on me I couldn't help but stare. His eyes. So pretty. A nice hazel, almost could've been mistaken for a deep brown. But that hint of green shined so bright to me, I'd almost think his eyes were sparkling.

"Pretend like you're obsessed with me or something"

I needed this to be as real as possible, or there would be no point in doing this. All he needs to do is pretend. Just for tonight. Pretend.

His hands went to my waist and the slow movements of shifting me towards him made a pit in my stomach. The heat of his breath, slowly exhaling onto my ear. So warm.

"I don't think I have to"

The grip around his neck tightened. I was blushing. Blushing so fucking hard he could probably tell. I manuvered my hands to his face, wanting to get another look at him.

"Dance with me"

He hummed into my ear, his voice vibrating against my skin. No words needed for this man to have me on my knees. He spun me around so my back was against his chest. His hands gliding down my body, taking it in. As if he was admiring it.


Beautiful. My new favourite word.


End of Chapter 6!
This was the most rushed chapter in this entire story. I didn't even know it was Wednesday to be honest 💀
But it's fine, its out, and I swear chapter 7 will be wayyyyyy betterrrrr. Promise.

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