Chapter 4

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I called Lance a few hours ago telling him to pick me up. Safe to say he wasn't mad as I thought he would be. He told me it was fine, and to tell him where I was. I thought he might've cared where I'd been but that thought was wrong.

I didn't have time to talk about Broady selling me off to Garrett. It didn't matter anyway. Whats done is done, all I know is he's spending that $200 on my new phone.

I was still waiting for Lance to pick me up but he's taking an awful amount of time which angered me. I bet he's sleeping with another woman whilst I'm away, he's probably sleeping with a bunch. Broady begged me to stay just for a couple for days but I refused.

I needed to go back home sooner or later. I can't avoid Lance forever.

"Are you gonna tell Lance about what happened between you and Garrett"

Me and Broady were sitting on the couches in the living room, watching SpongeBob that happened to come up on tv.

"Hell no"

"Are you sure that's okay?"

It's most likely not but I was gonna make it so it is.

"Yes, it will be"

And just like that, the conversation had ended. No more chit-chat about me and Lance. Ended. Focusing my attention to the tv another funny scene of SpongeBob and Patrick came up. A friend like Patrick.

I looked towards Broady, eyeing him down.

"You're so Patrick"

"Excuse me?"

I shook my head focusing back on the tv. Broady is definitely Patrick. Just a lot more smarter I suppose. A small chuckle left my lips and a confused look appeared on his.


It's already past noon and Lance still hasn't made it to Broady's flat. I tried calling him a bunch of times but his phone went straight to voicemail.

"Why don't you just check his location?"

Oh what a wonderful idea Broady. I'll just check his location on my non-existent phone. Why is it non-existent? Oh wait I know why, you broke it!

I rolled my eyes at him not wanting to let that thought out. And it seemed like he understood that.
Trying to call his phone one more time, it started to ring. Although the call dragged on, someone answered.


Loud sparks of music were in the background and the voice of who picked up wasn't Lance.

"I'm sorry, I just found this phone lying on one of the tables I serve. Is there someone you're looking for?"

I'm not sure why but her indicating she was a server made me feel relieved. Relieved that it wasn't one of his hookups.

"Actually I would just like to know where the owner of the phone is, do you mind telling me where you are?"

"Of course. I'm a server at High Haven"


"Okay, thank you!"

I hung up. Feeling the nerves rise. He's at a strip club?
I fisted my first with my nails digging deep. I grabbed Broady by the shoulder, leading him away. High Haven here we come.

Lance's POV

Khloe had asked me to pick her up a while ago, but when she mentioned she was at Broady's place I was a little ticked off. Every little problem we had, she'd go to him. As if he was my replacement. I've never liked Broady, he was always around her. Friends or not, I hated him.

I've been at this strip club for what felt like hours. Khloe's been blowing up my phone for a while now. Well Broady has. I've been drinking for a while now, watching half naked women dance for money.

I'd always imagine those women were Khloe. That it was her up there, eyeing me down well her body moved up and down the pole. Her legs spread out, begging for me to get her off that stage.

Khloe was the women I fell in-love with. But things started changing. Cheating became normal for us. It started with me first. I cheated on her, and it was a mistake. I was drunk, I was a kid, I didn't know what I was thinking.

I told her what happened, she cried. It took her some time but she forgave me. But the trust she had in me faded when I did it again. I cheated on her, but this time I slept with another women instead of kissing one.

She left for a week and went to Broady to think. It was a lot of thinking and I was always anxious. When she did finally come back she had hickeys all over her neck as well as her body. Instinct kicked in and I yelled at her. Telling her she was a slut.

I know I shouldn't have, but the thought of Broady's hands on her, any man's hands on her infuriated me. So i fucked her. We had sex. Hate sex. She cried, I cried, she tells me to stop, I'd say no. I basically raped her. I'm not proud of it but she doesn't resent me for it.

She doesn't think it's rape when it is. I couldn't tell her the truth of that though. I still wanted to be with her even through everything. Because that was how we worked. This was our relationship now. And it's going to keep going this way, whether people like it or not.

"Hey there handsome"

A voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

A whore.

She dragged a singular finger down my neck, to the tips of my chest. The slight heat of her breath fathomed my earlobe and a soft peck of her lips slowly drew themselves on my shoulder.

"Want a dance?"

I looked her way and her eyes were full of lust. She looked a lot like Khloe. And I liked that. A small glance at her lips.

"They look just like it"

Just like Khloe's.

I leaned in to kiss her, feeling the tender touch of it.


She pulled away shaking her head.

"Just a dance, and a lot of money. Over there"

She pointed to the couch, indicating for me to follow her. And who was I to say no?.


End of chapter 4!
Small spoiler: Jallace is appearing soon!

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