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Aiden prov

I get dressed, and I go to the front door. My dad and I go to the car and drive to my favorite restaurant. We order a big glass of pop, and I drink it. Then I get another one, and our food arrives. I eat and drink my glass of pop. Afterward, my dad pays, and we go out to the car. We drive for 5 minutes when I suddenly need to pee. I ask my dad to stop, and I relax and pee in my diaper.

My dad says, "Aiden, you should have told me you wanted to wear diapers. I could have gotten you some. How much do you want to wear?"

I reply, "All the time."

My dad says, "Okay, buddy," and we pull into Walmart.

I ask, "What are we doing here?"

My dad answers, "We're here to get you more diapers. You only have two left at home."

I say, "Okay," and we go inside. We head to the diaper section, and my dad tells me to pick out whichever one I want.

I say, "I like this one."

My dad says, "Okay," and puts two big boxes of Pampers size 8 in the cart. Then I see Goodnights and say, "I want those. I wear them when we have company over."

My dad says, "Okay," and grabs a box of the new XL Goodnights. He also puts a pack of wipes and a changing mat in the cart. We go to the self-checkout, pay, and head home.

When we arrive home, we walk inside, and my dad asks, "So, Aiden, how long have you liked wearing diapers?"

I reply, "I've always wanted to, but a year ago, I went out and got my first pack of diapers. I put one on, and I loved the feeling. I was going to tell you, but I thought you would be mad at me. Dad, do you think I'm weird for liking to wear diapers?"

My dad says, "Aiden, no, I don't think you're weird," and he hugs me. I suddenly need to pee again, so I let it out. When I finish, I ask, "Can you change me?"

My dad says, "Yes," and puts the changing mat down. He tells me to get on it, and I do. He takes off my pants, removes my dirty diaper, and puts a new one on me, taping it tight. Then he takes my dirty diaper to the kitchen and puts it in the garbage can. I get up and sit on the couch, continuing to watch the movie.

Aiden's dad's prov

I come into the living room and see Aiden on the couch in a shirt and his diaper. I go and put the rest of his diaper in his room, then return to the living room and sit on the couch. Aiden rests his head on my shoulder, and we watch the movie. He falls asleep, so I carry him to his room and put him on his bed. I pull the covers over him and then go to my room and go to bed.

Aiden prov

I wake up and realize I have to pee. I remember that I'm wearing a diaper, so I let go and pee in it. I think to myself, "I'm glad I got caught yesterday in a poopy diaper. Now I don't have to hide it from my dad anymore." I go to the kitchen wearing just a diaper, and my dad hands me a plate of bacon and eggs. I eat.

My dad says, "Aiden, I have the next month off, so we're going on a road trip. We're leaving right away. Let's go get you in a fresh diaper." We go to my room, and my dad puts the changing mat down. I get on it, and he takes my diaper off and tapes a new one on me. I get dressed, and my dad gets a box of tape-on diapers and leaves my room. I go to the front door, and my dad comes down 10 minutes later. We go out to the car, and we leave. After a few hours, I have to poop, so I push and poop in my diaper. Then I pee.

Aiden's dad's prov

I hear wet farts coming from Aiden, and I realize he's using his diaper a few times. I decide it's time to eat lunch and change him, so I pull into a mall. We go inside to the food court.

Aiden prov

We go into a family bathroom, and my dad locks the door. I get on the changing table, and my dad takes off my dirty diaper, wipes me clean, and puts a new one on me. Then he takes off his pants, and I see he's wearing a GoodNite

 Then he takes off his pants, and I see he's wearing a GoodNite

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that is wet. He takes it off and says, "You didn't think I'd let you have all the fun, did you?"

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