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Aiden prov

I said, "dad you Wear?"

My dad said, "I decided to wear it when we went on the trip to try it."

I said, "Okay, so do you like it?"

My dad said, "Yes, these are actually pretty comfortable and have the benefit of not having to stop a bunch of times to use the bathroom."

We then left the bathroom and went to New York Fries. We each got a poutine, went to a table, ate, went back out to the car, got in, and left. I was sitting in the front seat, thinking to myself about how much I love to wear diapers and how I don't have to hide it anymore. I thought about it for a while, pulled out my phone, and started playing video games until I had to pee. So, I relaxed and peed in my diaper. I looked out the window and saw a long line to the bathroom at a rest area we were passing. It was like 20 people long. I thought, if I wasn't wearing my diaper, I would be stuck in that line. So, I said, "Dad, thank you so much for letting me wear diapers."

My dad said, "Aiden, I have a bit of a confession to make. Yesterday, when I found out you like to wear diapers, I was relieved. I was actually going to get you to wear diapers on this trip because on the last four trips we've been on, you had accidents. The last trip was about a year ago, and you had accidents every day, and most days you had multiple accidents."

I said, "Dad, actually, those weren't really accidents. I did it on purpose, hoping you would put me in diapers. Besides when I peed myself in the driveway, it was actually an accident."

My dad said, "Aiden, I thought about putting you in diapers, but the reason I didn't is because I wet the bed until I was 14. Grandpa and Grandma would get very mad at me and punish me, usually by spanking. They would let everyone know in a way to shame me. I felt if I made you wear diapers, you would feel like I was punishing or shaming you, and I never want you to feel that way."

I said, "Dad, I don't understand how they could do that to you."

My dad said, "Actually, Aiden, I'm not sure if you remember, but they did it to you too when you were 6. You were out with them, and you peed and pooped your pants. They took you back to their house, and they were spanking you when I walked in. I grabbed you, took you home, and changed you."

I said, "I remember that, Dad. I told them I had to use the bathroom five times, and they just wouldn't let me go. They told me I was 6, so I could hold it until we got back to their place. But I couldn't. They spanked me for a long time and called me a lazy little brat. Then I saw you, and I was relieved because I knew you would understand. I still remember when we got home, I burst into tears, and you picked me up and hugged me. We sat down on the couch, and when I finally stopped crying on your shoulder, you took me to my room and cleaned me up. I knew you would never get mad at me for having accidents. That's why I pretended to have all those accidents on the last trip because I knew you understood about accidents. But I thought if I told you I liked to wear diapers, you would be mad. After we got back, I knew you weren't going to put me in diapers, so I went the next day when you were at work and got my first pack of diapers. You catching me yesterday is the best thing that happened because I don't need to hide it anymore."

My dad said, "Aiden, I wish you had told me, but I understand why you didn't."

Nothing more was said, and we traveled until 6 pm. We pulled into a hotel, checked in, and went to our room. My dad took me to the bathroom, took my pants off, untaped my wet diaper, and put it in the garbage. He put baby powder on me and taped a clean diaper on me. I put on my pants, and my dad took off his pull-up, put another one on, and put his pants back on. Then, we went to the restaurant in the hotel.

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