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Aiden prov

We arrive at the restaurant and get a table. The waitress comes over and I order a 10oz steak with fries, an iced tea, and a piece of chocolate cake. My dad orders a burger with soup, a coke, and a few minutes later, the waitress brings our drinks. After 15 minutes, our food arrives and I eat the steak and fries. We then go back to our room and after an hour, my dad asks if I want to go swimming.

I say "yes."

He hands me my shorts and I ask, "Dad, can you put them on me?"

My dad says "sure" and he takes off my pants and diaper, putting my shorts on me. He then takes off his pants and pull-up, puts on his shorts, and says "okay, lift your arms." I do as he says and he takes off my shirt, putting on my swimming shirt. He puts on his swimming shirt as well and we head to the pool. We arrive and I jump in while my dad gets in the hot tub.

Aiden dad prov

I get in the hot tub and watch Aiden swim around the pool. After an hour, I say "okay Aiden, it's time to go back to our room." He gets out of the pool and we head back to our room. Once we're there, I tell Aiden to go take a shower.

Aiden says "okay dad."

Aiden prov

I go into the bathroom, turn on the shower, and have a shower. After I finish, I dry myself off and leave the bathroom. My dad puts a diaper on me and I get on my bed, turning on the TV and putting on the Simpsons. My dad goes into the bathroom, has a shower, and comes out wearing only a pull-up. He gets on the other bed and we watch TV.

Aiden dad prov

Aiden and I watch TV for an hour and a half. Aiden falls asleep, so I go over to him, put the covers over him, and turn off the TV. I turn off the lights on my bed and slowly fall asleep.

I wake up at 6 in the morning and Aiden is still sleeping. I check his diaper and it is dry, so I dress him, pick him up, and go down to the lobby to check out. We go out to the car, I put him in the front seat, buckle his seatbelt, and put the suitcases in the backseat. I get in the driver's seat and we leave.

Aiden prov

I wake up and realize I'm in the car. I ask my dad, "Dad, what time is it?"

My dad says "it's 9."

I say "okay dad, I'm hungry."

My dad says "yes, we'll be stopping for breakfast soon." After 15 minutes, we pull into IHOP, go inside, and get a table. I order pancakes with bacon and eggs and a coffee. My dad orders waffles with eggs and bacon and a coffee as well. We eat and then get back in the car and leave. After 30 minutes of traveling, I realize I have to poop and I know it's going to be a big one because of my big dinner yesterday. I relax and feel the first piece slide into the diaper, followed by the next one. I poop for 5 minutes and then realize I have to pee. I relax and feel myself peeing for 3 minutes.

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