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Aiden's POV:

We are traveling down the highway, and all I can think about is how happy I am to be able to wear diapers, and that my dad also likes to wear them. I now have a little brother, so I stop thinking about it and pull out my Nintendo Switch to start playing games.

Aiden's dad's POV:

Aiden starts playing video games on his Nintendo Switch as we travel until 6:30. We pull into McDonald's and go through the drive-thru. Aiden orders a Big Mac with fries and a soda, Noah orders chicken nuggets with fries and a soda, and I order the McChicken with fries and a coffee. We continue traveling until 11pm when I pull into a hotel. Both Noah and Aiden are sleeping, so I get out of the truck, open the back door, and pick up Noah. I shut the door and go to the front passenger door to pick up Aiden. I carry them into the hotel, check-in, and go to our room, which has three beds. I put Noah down on one bed and Aiden down on another. I check Aiden's diaper, and it is wet, so I take him into the bathroom to change his diaper. After changing him, I put him back on his bed and cover him with the blankets. I then check Noah's pull-up, and it is wet, so I take him to the bathroom to change his pull-up. I put him on his bed and cover him with the blankets. I go to the bathroom, take off my pants and wet pull-up, put on a clean pull-up, and leave the bathroom wearing just a pull-up. I get on my bed and slowly fall asleep.

Aiden's POV:

I wake up in a room and realize my dad must have carried me in last night. I get up and go into the bathroom. I take off my diaper, take a shower, dry myself off, put on another diaper, get dressed, and leave the bathroom. My dad is awake and goes into the bathroom. I hear the shower running and take out my Nintendo Switch to start playing a video game. A few minutes later, my dad comes out of the bathroom and says, "Aiden, I'm going to the store."

I ask, "Can I come?"

My dad replies, "No, you have to stay here and watch Noah. If he wakes up while I'm gone, I want you to run him a bath."

I say, "Okay, dad," and he leaves. 30 minutes go by, and Noah wakes up.

I say, "Good morning, Noah. Dad wants you to have a bath." I go to the bathroom, fill the bathtub, and Noah takes off his pull-up and gets in the bathtub. I put his pull-up in the garbage can and leave the bathroom to play video games on my Nintendo Switch.

Noah's POV:

I'm in the bathtub, and 30 minutes go by before I get out. I dry myself off, put on a pull-up, get dressed, and leave the bathroom. Aidens dad comes in and hands me a Nintendo Switch, saying, "I set it up for you."

I thank him, and we go to the restaurant in the hotel to order breakfast.

Aiden's POV:

We eat breakfast, go to the front desk to check out, and head to the truck. I decide to sit in the back seat with Noah, so I say, "Dad, I think I'll sit in the back seat with Noah." I open the door, get in, and Noah gets in on the other side. My dad gets in, and we leave.

Noah prob,

Aiden and I are sitting in the back seat, and we connect our Nintendo Switches together, and we play Mario Kart. Suddenly, I feel the need to use the bathroom, so I relax and the poop flows into my pull-up.

Aiden dad prov,

I hear wet farts coming from Noah, and I think that next time we stop, I'll have to get him some tape-on diapers. Then, I hear wet farts coming from Aiden. We continue to travel for 3 hours until we pull into Walmart and go inside. We head to the diaper section and get a box of Pampers size 7. I go to the self-checkout, and then we go to the bathroom. I tell Noah to get on the changing table, and I take off his shoes, pants, and stinky pull-up. I wipe him clean and open the package of Pampers. I put one under Noah's bum, sprinkle some baby powder on him, and tape the diaper shut. He gets off, and then Aiden gets on. Aiden has already taken off his pants, so I take off his poopy diaper, wipe him clean, and put a fresh diaper under him. I sprinkle baby powder on him and tape the diaper shut. He gets off the changing table, puts on his pants and shoes by himself, and I help Noah tie his shoes. We wash our hands and leave the bathroom, heading to McDonald's.

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