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I hear Aiden pooping and peeing in his diaper, so I relax and I pee in my pull-up. We travel for 4 hours and pull into a rest area. I take Aiden by the hand into the bathroom and put him up on the changing table. I take his shoes off and pants off, and I untape his diaper. I say, "Well, you certainly had a big poo," and wipe him clean. I put the diapers and wipes in the garbage and tape a new diaper on him. Then, I put his pants and shoes back on him. He gets off the changing table and I go into a stall. I take off my pants and pull-up, put a clean pull-up on, and put my pants on.

Aiden's perspective:

My dad comes out of the stall, and we travel for 2 more hours. We pull into a big building and I ask, "Dad, what are we doing here?"

My dad says, "Aiden, we are here to pick someone up." We go inside the building and go to reception. My dad says, "I'm here to pick up Noah Baker," and hands the person his ID. The lady says, "Just a minute," and does some work on the computer. Then, she gets on the phone.

A few minutes later, a guy comes into the room and says, "Come with me."

My dad says, "Aiden, I think it's best if you stay here."

I say, "Okay," and he goes with the guy. I sit down and play video games on my phone. 45 minutes pass and my dad walks into the room holding a kid's hand.

My dad said, "Aiden, this is Noah. He is 7, and, well, let's just say he will be living with us."

We go out to the car, and my dad puts Noah in the back seat on the driver's side and puts Noah's seatbelt on. He shuts the door, and I said, "Why is he living with us and for how long?"

My dad said, "Aiden, I'm going to make a long story short. Noah's parents and I were very good friends, and they moved away when you were 2. They wanted me to get custody of Noah if they died, and unfortunately, they passed away a couple of days ago."

I said, "Okay, why didn't you tell me?"

My dad said, "Aiden, I only found out today, and I didn't tell you because I was a bit shocked. Noah's parents and I had a falling out eight years ago, and we haven't talked to each other since. So, I didn't know they had a kid."

I said, "Dad, if you haven't talked to each other in 8 years, why did they give you custody of Noah?"

My dad said, "Noah's parents were both foster kids, so they don't have any family. I had them as the people I wanted to take care of you if something happened to me."

I said, "Okay," and we get in the car. I start to feel that I don't want Noah to live with us because for my whole life, it's just been my dad and me. We have a very close relationship. I hug my dad when he drops me at school, and he kisses me on my forehead. I say, "I love you, dad," when I'm walking into school. None of the other kids at my school do. I know not wanting Noah to live with us is wrong, and I know it won't affect my dad's and my relationship. I'm mostly happy about it because I always wanted a little brother.

Noah's POV:

I'm sitting in a car with Daniel and his son, Aiden. Daniel seems nice, but I'm pretty nervous because I don't know who they are. All I know is Daniel has custody of me because my mom and dad died. My thoughts are interrupted by an overpowering urge to go pee and poo. I said, "Um, Daniel, I have to go to the bathroom." Daniel said, "Okay, Noah, I'll pull over at the next place."

After 30 minutes of traveling, I couldn't hold it any longer, and I start peeing. I try to stop peeing, but I can't, and I soak my pants and the seat. I finally stop peeing and feel the poo sticking out. A piece goes into my underwear, and then another piece and another. I'm trying to hold it in, but it keeps coming. I finally finish, and we pull into Walmart. Daniel gets out of the car and opens my door. I said, "I'm sorry, I tried to hold it."

Daniel said, "Noah, it's okay," and he picks me up and carries me inside Walmart. He puts me down outside the bathroom and said, "Aiden, take Noah into the bathroom, and I'll go get him some pants."

Aiden takes me into the bathroom, and we just stand there. People are walking in and out, and they look at me. I'm so embarrassed I start to cry. Aiden then said, "Noah, you don't need to be embarrassed." Daniel then comes into the bathroom, and he picks me up and puts me on the changing table. He takes my pants and underwear off and puts my pants in a bag and my poo-filled underwear in the garbage. He wipes me clean and then pulls out a pull-up.

 He wipes me clean and then pulls out a pull-up

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I said, "Please, no."

Daniel said, "Noah, you're not being punished, but you're going to have to wear the pull-up." He puts it on me, and Aiden said, "Noah, look." He pulls his pants down, and I see he is wearing a diaper.

And Daniel put Noah on the changing table and untapped the diaper. When I pull my pants up before I get them all the way up, a guy comes in and sees me in a pull-up and Aiden on the changing table."

The guy said, "Your kids are too old to be wearing diapers. If they were my kids, I would be ashamed they were mine."

He goes into a stall, and Daniel puts a clean diaper on Aiden and lets him down. Daniel puts Aiden's pants on, and then he says, "Noah, wear a pull-up too." He pulls down Noah's pants enough so I can see the edge of the pull-up. He goes into a stall and comes out a few minutes later. We leave the bathroom and go to McDonald's for lunch. We go to the truck, and I get in the back seat while Daniel and Aiden get in the front seat. We leave, and I start thinking about how I didn't want to wear pull-ups. I'm a bed wetter, and I begged my mom and dad not to put me in pull-ups. They didn't, but now that I have one on, I love it. They're so comfortable, and I want to wear them all the time. So I said, "Daniel, I like wearing diapers. Can I wear them all the time?"

Daniel said, "Yes, Noah, and you can use them on purpose. Actually, that's why Aiden and I wear them."

I start thinking about how I'm glad I accidentally peed and pooped myself because I'm not nervous anymore about Daniel and Aiden. I know I can trust them, and I've found out that I like wearing diapers. I can use them whenever I want. I can't wait until I have to pee so I can let it go in my pull-ups.

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