Time machine

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Next day I did all my chores and went to the lab. I was 2 minutes late for the lecture which means I have to stay an hour longer today.

Good job Esme.

They taught us about the significance of technology. Yes that was our first lecture.

There are disadvantages of technology too. We can't fully depend on the robots. But I'm no one to speak. I just have to listen to them if I want to live peacefully.

People lack emotions like love, anger, sadness etc. I'm not so connected to my parents as they're always traveling and I live alone just with my thoughts and my grandpa's old diary. He gave me that diary as his last gift for me. I read it and think how better their lives were than mine. Grandma lives on the countryside and she owns a bakery. We don't meet a lot but she comes to visit us sometimes.

After my first session, I went to the restroom and my mind strike how can I just go and get to know about the time machine.

I saw there was no one near and went to the dorm where the machine was set.
It had 5 buttons. One of them being open and other close. I opened the machine and went inside it. There was place for 2 people to sit. I pressed the close button and the machine got closed.

I heard a voice saying " welcome to the time machine, fill up the information and enjoy your time.

I filled up the options like year, time, place etc.

And I set the year as 2019..I've heard a lot about this year. And pressed the button 'go'.

Everything went blur.

(Little did she know that she didn't read the note correctly. The note said 'the machine is under construction').

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