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"Yeah," Jin began, "About that...."

His parents slumped in their seats. "Don't tell us you've decided to give up because you'll never find love again!"

"What?" Jin looked at his mom incredulously. "No, i was gonna say I have a mate." His parent's jaws dropped in shock. "What now?"

His father blinked while his mom's mouth opened and closed. "I- we Just, we thought you said you'd never get back with Chanyeol."

Jin nodded, "You're correct."

"What?" His father pouted, "So you're not mated to Chanyeol?"

Seokjin sighed and rolled his eyes, "No, I'm not mated to Chanyeol." Here they go again. "Would you give it a rest? I'm done with him and I have been for centuries."

His mother straightened up in her seat. "You know we just want the best for you."

Jin scoffed, "Yeah, right."

"We're serious."

Jin had heard it dozens of times. "If you really have my best interest at heart then you'll forget about him like I have and be happy for me."

His father sighed, "He's right, Eunha." Though dejected, he wanted to support his son. "There's nothing we can do now, but we can still keep Chanyeol in our hearts." Jin rolled his eyes again. He felt like they simply wanted Chanyeol to be their son even if only on a technicality.

His mother brought her attention back to Jin. "So, when do we get to meet him?"

Jin let out a huff. "I planned for tonight but since you two won't let Chanyeol go I think I'll wait for another time."

"No!" Eunha protested, "We'll shut up, we swear!" Jin smiled fondly at his father's pleading nods. He couldn't stay mad at his parents.

Jin shook his head at the pair. "Fine, but you name drop my ex even once, him and I will go home."

His parents frantically nodded, "We promise!" They weren't going to be dissatisfied with Seokjin for not mating Chanyeol despite their sadness over it. In the end it was his choice and they loved their son no matter what, even if his taste in men didn't meet their standards. That wouldn't stop them from letting him know of course. Would they really even be a parent if they didn't disrespect their child a little bit?

"Okay, fine." Jin said as if he weren't the one planning to introduce the pair to his boyfriend. A strange twist of power having happened as they bickered, now Jin felt he was the one in charge and maybe that would keep them from laying into Namjoon a bit. Jin shot Namjoon a text and waved him over, and as he was turning back around, he bumped right into somebody. Well, somebody bumped into him. Fancy a guess? "Ugh!" Jin groaned from the slight wet feeling on his chest as Chanyeol had spilled some wine onto his shirt. "You again?"

"Chanyeol!" Jin's parents cheered with excitement before turning to Jin with grins on their faces. "We're you setting us up for this surprise?!" They eagerly asked and Jin huffed.


"Oh," they muttered and turned their attention back to Chanyeol and Seokjin.

"Oh my god, I didn't mean to spill that on you." Chanyeol said. 'Yeah, right.' Jin thought. "Here, let me help." He grabbed a few napkins and began to sweep them across Seokjin's chest.

"Stop It," Jin said and swat his hands away. "Cut it out." He snapped and snatched the napkins, dabbing at the dampness on his shirt. "Just go already."

"Seokjin," his father scolded. "That is no way to talk to someone." Jin rolled his eyes, too annoyed to engage.

"Whatever, Chanyeol, please leave me alone."

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