Chapter 1: On My Way

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"If you need us, you can just call." Kat's offer from their childhood years still stood, ringing in Leo's mind, but he didn't just want to escape to one of the other houses in the neighborhood. No, he'd be better off leaving this town and never coming back.

He began packing up his things, although he didn't have much. Karen never let him have any toys, so he'd always use his friend's things when he was younger. All he had were some clothes, snacks that he got at school and hid in his room, and a gun.

Leo had gotten the gun as a gift from his firearms teacher. He had decided to learn how to shoot just in case he ever needed it. He was very skilled with his pistol, and almost never missed. His sister, Paige, didn't like it very much. She preferred to use a more peaceful approach, and somehow knew all the ways to calm their mother down.

"Going somewhere?" There she was, standing in his doorway. "Hi Paige." There was guilt in the brown cat's voice. All of his family were brown cats, except his father, Deodat. But Deodat had left a long time ago, and Leo didn't like thinking about him.

"Running away, I assume?" Paige wasn't mad. In fact, she probably knew all about his plans before he even thought of them. You see, Paige had a gift that only Leo knew about. She could see the future, and if she was here, she had something to warn him about.

"Let me guess, you had a vision." Leo paused for a moment in his packing spree. Paige nodded, and by the look on her face, it hadn't been good. "I would advise you to stay. I know Karen's bad, but trust me, out there is a whole lot worse."

"I can't just stay here! I've had enough of this place." Leo put on his backpack and checked the time. Nine in the evening, late enough for Karen to be asleep.

Paige's expression remained the same, sad and concerned. "I fear for your death, should you step foot out of these doors." She explained, beginning to slip into her more cryptic manner. Most of the time, she used it as a joke, mocking the prophecies in their library books that they hid from Karen. (Any resemblance to "witchcraft" was not okay for her. Future telling was out of the question. It was one of the many reasons Paige never mentioned her powers.)

"It's got to be better out there." Leo protested. "Alright, there are good things out there. Very good things. But with those very good things comes very bad things."

"I'm not five, Paige." He stared her in the eyes. "Just give me the prophecy and get it over with." The younger of the two took a deep breath, before reciting what she had likely avoided saying before, for her brother's sake.

"Two men meet in the town of Salem

and are faced with a deadly ultimatum

The love they find comes all too fast

but their time together, not a month will last

Death and destruction by one's own hand

or by the town, who could not understand."

She gazed back up at him, almost begging. "Leo, please. I don't want to lose you too."

Leo seemed undeterred, ruffling the fur on top of her head. "C'mon, you know cryptic prophecies don't work on me. Death and destruction? Last time you talked about someone getting hurt, it was just you warning me that I'd stub my toe. Which I did, but still, it wasn't as bad as your little prophecy said."

"I'm being deadly serious." Paige glared. "Besides, love? Have you seen me? I couldn't get a date if I tried! I could be attracted to just about anyone, but no one would ever be attracted to me. I'm all bi myself!" Leo continued, seeming to ignore her. "Really? I warn you of your incoming death and all you have to say is a pun? Not even a goodbye?"

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