Chapter 3: Murders and Murderers

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The night was never long enough. Leo found himself getting less and less sleep every night he was here. Granted, it had only been three nights (including the one he arrived here on) but every night had ended the same: the sun rising while he was still awake.

Sleep deprivation was the least of his worries, however. There were still new murders every day. Someone died in every meeting, and both times he'd been there, it was an innocent person. Zach and Casey, people he was growing to like more and more, had been responsible for their deaths, in a way.

On a less serious note, he was still making plans for how to convince Zach to go out with him. The dress Sarah made him yesterday wasn't for his girlfriend, he didn't have one. It was for himself. Leo always thought he looked great in a dress, but if Sarah found out that he was planning on wearing it, she probably would have dragged him to the gallows herself. It didn't matter how many people he killed, he would be dead for expressing himself. Fucked up.

His old town was generally neutral about these kinds of topics. His mom beat him when he came out as bi, and he warned his sister ahead of time before she ever mentioned that she liked girls. His dad had already left by the time he realized. His friend's parents were generally accepting, Kat's were probably the most. When she'd figured out her gender, her parents had done everything they could to help her transition, although they never overwhelmed her.

That was enough thinking about the old town, however. Leo ate breakfast, which wasn't much. Anything he had was just beginning to go stale. Maybe Sarah would bake him something, or he could look around the town for a store of some sort. He thought he spotted a small one earlier.

Walking outside, he shielded his eyes from the bright sun. Ever since that storm the night he came, it hadn't rained. He was grateful for it, as night was a very busy time in Salem.

The town's name brought back memories of what Paige had said. The prophecy that seemed ever so useless at the time. Yet here he was, in Salem, trying to win over the feelings of another man. (Zach was hardly a man, probably around sixteen like he was, but that didn't matter. Paige's words never lied.)

"It appears that the rumors of serial killers are true." The mayor announced that day. Leo was slowly inching closer to Zach, who only growled in response. However, the gray cat made no move to get Leo away from him, so he counted it as a win. "We found our beloved jailor, stabbed to death in his own prison. In fact, the killer was so ruthless, that the jailor's records were too covered in blood to make out. Truly unfortunate, we may have to put our search for the mafia on hold while we look for the murderer."

"What if it was the mafia who did it?" One person, a light-furred dog with floppy ears, asked. "We highly doubt that. The mafia tends to favor guns as their weapon of choice, and even they appear to have standards when killing. This was done with a knife, and brutally. Mafia kills aren't this messy." Mayor explained, brushing dust off of his blue shirt.

"How do you know so much about mafia kills, unless you're part of it?" A different town member, a black cat, asked. "I have been mayor of this town for years. I was here when the killing started, back when everyone was so very confused and scared. Not much has changed, but I know what kills look like. I've seen werewolves rip bodies to shreds. I've seen clean mafia gunshots, and frantic veteran shots too. I've seen houses burned to the ground by arsonists, and I've seen them rebuilt. So many people have died, and I have seen them get replaced. I know what every possible death looks like, do not doubt me." Mayor was starting to sound very angry.

"Besides, I can always talk to the jailor, find out exactly who this guy was." Sarah pointed out. "Yes, yes. We are incredibly grateful for our beloved medium. Her powers have been bestowed upon her by whoever is watching over us, allowing her to seek help from the dead." Mayor started an applause for her, and everyone joined in. Well, everyone except Zach and the black cat who spoke earlier.

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