Chapter 2: The Noose

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Scene 1. Salem, the center of town

Casey: I have an accusation!

Mayor: Speak up then!

Casey: As you might know, I am an investigator. As such, I look for suspicious activity. I found some evidence in the seventh house that could indicate that its resident is either an innocent lookout, a controlling witch, or a forger, working for the mafia.

Lookout: I'm innocent! Please!

Sarah: We did hang a witch the other day, there's always the possibility of more.

Zach: Don't forget about serial killers.

Leo (to himself): He speaks! Be still, my beating heart.

Mayor: Very well. All votes to bring the "lookout" up to the stand. [Nearly the entire town raises their hands, except for Leo and a few others.]

Mayor: What is your defense?

Lookout: I didn't do anything! I slept in last night and forgot to do my job, but a sleep deprived lookout is never good. Please, let me go. I don't want to die!

Mayor: Everyone please take a ballot and write your vote, then place it in the ballot box. [Nearly everyone in the town goes up to vote.]

Mayor: The town has decided that you, "lookout", are guilty! Any last words?

Lookout: You can't do this! Please! [They're hanged and killed.]

Mayor: It appears that they were truly innocent after all.

Casey: My apologies. I was uncertain, simply displaying the evidence I had.

Mayor: It's not your fault, we all had a part to play. Meeting adjourned.

[Exit everyone except Leo and Zach]

Leo: Hey, uh, I'm Leo.

Zach: Great. What do you want?

Leo: Um, just wanted to talk?

Zach: Don't bother. I know I'm good looking.

Leo: Uh-

Zach: That was a joke. I look like a mess.

Leo: I was just thinking, I'm new around here, and maybe we could get to know each other sometime? Or be friends? (whispering) I think you're good looking.

Zach: So you're a new guy, huh? Let me give you some advice. [He grabs Leo's shirt and pulls him close.] Stay out of my way.


Scene 2. Salem, at night

[Enter Zach, Casey, Farris, and the godfather]

Godfather: Zach, as the new mafioso you shall be tasked with the duty of killing. As such, I shall bestow you with a brand new gun. [He gives Zach the gun. It has a rose engraved into the side.]

Zach: Thank you.

Godfather: I want you to get rid of that second bodyguard before something bad happens. I don't want to lose you too.

Casey, sarcastically: So you didn't care about the other guy at all, huh?

Godfather: He was disposable. Zach is my son, and I care for him much more than that failure. Now, Casey, go investigate the new guy. I want to know everything about him. Farris, you can go frame the eleventh house.

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