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madmax & supernova.

NOVA HARGROVE couldn't help but stare out of the car window with a small frown. it was her first day attending hawkins middle school and she really could not care less. she had moved from california with her father, older brother, step mother and step sister.

somehow, her step mother and sister were more likeable than her real brother and father, despite all the stories she had read about evil step mothers from when she was younger.

her big brother billy hargrove pulled into the parking lot of the school, the smoke from his cigarette filling the car. for some reason he decided to keep the windows up while smoking—nova believed it was his way of attempting to gas them.

he open his car door and stepped out, immediately smirking seeing all the women scattered around the car park. nova rolled her eyes as she slammed billy's car door shut, huffing in annoyance and embarrassment at all the attention they had suddenly got due to billy's dramatic entrance.

she could already tell that he would fit in with whoever the popular group here were, just because of the amount of attention he had already got from both girls and boys, despite having only been there for three seconds.

her step sister, max mayfield, got out the back, she too rolling her eyes as she got onto her skateboard, waiting for billy to say something before she left. "you to shitbrains go to the principle to sign in. i need a smoke first." billy told them.

nova rolled her eyes once again as she glared slightly at her older brother who sent her a look. "how kind of you to share with us," she said sarcastically. billy flipped her off in response and walked away.

nova and billy didn't have the best sibling relationship. billy was a massive dickhead, and nova didn't take any of his bullshit. well, she tried not too. it didn't help with their dad being an abusive asshole. her and billy used to be really close, until billy grew up. but that's a story for another time.

"c'mon, max." nova muttered as the two girls walked inside the school, trying to ignore all the stunned looks they got from the students.

nova led the way to the principle's office, who gave them a very long and painful speech about the school rules, before finally getting up to show them to their first class. science. they reached the door to the class and nova pushed her hair over her shoulder as max huffed, not wanting to go in.

the door opened, and everyone turned to look at them. the teacher, mr. clarke, stopped talking to look over at them, and immediately smiled widely. "ah! these must be our new students."

"indeed. all yours." the principle spoke with a respectful smile, before walking out.

lucas sinclair took notice of the girl stood in front of her red-head sister. he already knew she was awesome due to the fact she had died a few strands of her brown her pink, so it blended out. nova had decided to do this a couple of weeks ago—it was a last minute decision to piss her father off. it definitely worked.

nova immediately walked away to find a seat, but mr.
clarke gently pushed her forward as she huffed quietly, max was already on her way to find a seat too. "hey, hey.. hold up! you don't get away that easily." mr. clarke grinned down at them.

he actually seemed nice.

"come on up. don't be shy...dustin, drum roll." he instructed. a boy with curly hair and a few missing teeth nodded as he began to drum his fingers on his textbook.

"class, please welcome, all the way from sunny california, the latest passengers to join us on our curiosity voyage, nova and maxine!" he introduced, clapping his hands slowly, which no one else joined in with.

at this, four boys at the front including dustin's faces dropped as they looked at each other in disbelief, just as her sister corrected him. "it's max."


"nobody calls me maxine. it's max." she spoke, a slightly rude tone in her voice.

"madmax and supernova." a dark skinned boy next to dustin whispered with wide eyes. nova eyed them in confusion. how the hell did they know about their dig dug names?

"okay, well then...all aboard, nova and max!"

the two girls immediately went to the back, taking a seat next to each other as the two boys at the front watched them with curious eyes. nova pulled a face, and turned to her sister who had the same look.

ew short chapter but i just wanted to get one up lolol

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ew short chapter but i just wanted
to get one up lolol

𝐒𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐒, lucas sinclair.Where stories live. Discover now