Shadow Clone Jutsu

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I would like to apologize. I know that it has been forever since I last updated and then some. I know that this won't really make you feel better, but I hope this chapter does. Before I start this story, I would like to give a shout out to Dishonored_Child. Now, let the story begin!

Menma's POV

Naruto hasn't come home and it's been awhile. I started to get worried, so I decided to go look for him. The first place I looked was the forest we trained in. Sure enough, there was Naruto holding some scroll. Whoa. Was Naruto studying because he actually wanted to? I stepped closer to him and a leaf crunched under my foot. So cliché.

"Ahhh! Huh? Oh, hey Menma."

I walked over to him and read the scroll. Hey, these are some cool jutsus. Shadow Clone Jutsu, Summoning Jutsu: Reanimation- wait, what?

"Umm, Naruto? Where did you get this? ", I asked him.

"I stole it from the Hokage!", he said with a proud look on his face.

I smacked my head. Sometimes, I wonder if Naruto fell on his head as a baby.

"Ok...", I said slowly. "Why did you steal it?"

"Mizuki told me that if I stole the scroll and learned a technique, I would pass even though I failed the test!"

I gritted my teeth in anger. How dare he? Mizuki used Naruto for his own gain. He will pay. How will I tell Naruto? I guess I should just be direct.

"Naruto... Mizuki lied to you."

His eyes widened and and teared at the corners. When his bottom lip started to quiver I closed my eyes and turned my head to the side. I hated to see Naruto like this.

"Why? Why does this happen? Everywhere we go people always trick us and hurt us. Why?", he sobbed.

"Naruto, I cannot say I know why people do this to us but I do know one thing. Everywhere you go, I'll be there with you. "

His head bent and his hair shadowed his eyes. For a moment, I wondered if I had said the wrong thing. Suddenly, he leapt up and squeezed me in a tight hug.

"Thank you, Menma. For everything you have done for me. I don't know what I'd do without you."

I smiled. Now it's time to get payback on Mizuki. I looked around and then told Naruto my plan.



Iruka came bursting through the trees his gaze wildly searching the area until his eyes landed on Naruto. He was out of breath and leaning on a tree for support.

"Naruto! I finally found you!", Iruka-sensei shouted.

"Man, sensei! You came quick!", Naruto exclaimed. "I only got to learn one jutsu."

"What are you talking about Naruto?"

"That is how it works, right?" He questioned. "Whoever learns a jutsu from this scroll will automatically pass!"

"Naruto", Iruka-sensei said. "Where did you get that idea from?"

"Mizuki-sensei told me!", Naruto said.

Iruka didn't have any time to say anything else because he sensed a barrage of kunai flying towards them. He pushed Naruto out the way and got hit by two of them.

"Mizuki...", Iruka-sensei growled. "I should've known".

"But you didn't and that sucks for you", Mizuki replied with a smirk on his face. "Naruto. I see you have gotten the scroll. Perfect. Now...give it to me", Mizuki snarled.

"What's going on? ", Naruto shouted.

"Naruto, Mizuki tricked you! Don't give him the scroll!", Iruka-sensei yelled.

"Oh, so Mizuki tricked me, huh? Well that's funny, cuz I did the same thing", 'Naruto' said with a huge grin on his face.

"What are you talking about, brat", Mizuki snarled as his eyes narrowed.

"This", he said simply before throwing a kunai at him.

Mizuki laughed so much and almost doubled over with laughter. "That's it? And to think you had me worried for a minute", Mizuki chuckled as he leaned back to let the kunai fly past him. But as he did so, he saw a pair of blue eyes staring at him in the face.

"Aahhh!", Mizuki screamed. He was so startled that he fell off the branch and onto the floor. Or what he thought was the floor.

He began to sink under and flailed wildly.

"What the heck is this stuff!?", Mizuki exclaimed.

"This is... Earth Style: Swamp of the Underworld", a dark voice said.

Mizuki turned his head as much as he was able to and looked around.

"Where are you? Show yourself!", Mizuki demanded.

"Hehehe... Very well. Ask and you shall receive."

Mizuki started sweating bullets as he saw a dark figure coming out from a tree.

"Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu!", the voice said. 500 clones appeared in the forest.

Another voice called out the same thing and now there were 1000 clones surrounding him.

Mizuki eyes almost jumped out of his head. His last recorded words before the incident were "Aw shi-

"Attack!", a sychronized voice shouted. We all can imagine what happened to Mizuki.

"It worked! It actually worked!", Naruto exclaimed.

"What, were you expecting it to fail?", Menma asked with a dazzling grin on his face.

"Well... yeah, I kinda was", Naruto admitted.

Menma's sparkly moment came to an end as he faceplanted.

"Whatever...", Menma said sulking in a corner. How he managed to find the corner of a forest, the world may never know.

"Naruto", someone called.

"Huh? Iruka-sensei? Oh, sorry. I forgot you were there", Naruto said.

Iruka sweatdropped. "Naruto, come here", he said.

Naruto complied and Iruka told him to close his eyes. (Does anyone notice how wrong that sounds? No? Just me? Okay.)

Iruka took off his goggles and put his headband on Naruto's head.

"Ok, you can open your eyes now", Iruka said.

I quickly ran over to him shoving a mirror in his face. Naruto's eyes squinted, then widened, and finally relaxed.

"Thank you Iruka-sensei. You have no idea how much this means to me", Naruto said with a smile on his face.

Iruka smiled. "You earned it, Naruto. You and Menma performed exceptionally, showing your teamwork, cooperation, tactics, jutsu, and most importantly, your will. I could think of no other thing except to make you a ninja."

After these words, Naruto was pretty close to crying. But not of sadness. It was because of his joy.

"Let's go celebrate. Ichiraku ramen sounds good.", Iruka said.

"Yeah! Woo-hoo! I'm a ninja, believe it! ", Naruto exclaimed.

"Yeah, I believe it. Now your one step closer to your dream.", Menma said.

"Alright! Now ramen!", Naruto said.

And so they went happily talking and laughing. Iruka was so happy he thought there was nothing that could dent his mood. But there was something that made a pretty big dent. The bill...

Alphadog360, out!

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