Team 7: Pass or Fail?

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Kakashi blinked and he saw the world shatter before his eyes. He looked down to see Menma on the ground holding a Ram sign in deep concentration with Naruto beside him giving him chakra.

He released the sign and smiled while panting. He fell back onto the grass and Naruto plopped onto his butt.

"Jeez Kakashi, jump around less will you?"

This came from behind him. He whirled around to see Sasuke holding the bells in his hand.

Kakashi just stared; his mind working in overdrive. He had a pretty good idea of what happened but decided to ask for clarification.

"You got the bells. How?"

They looked at each other and spoke in unison.


Kakashi sighed and gave them a lazy one-eyed smile.

"You", he said simply.

"WOOHOO-wait what?" Naruto paused his cheer as he processed what was just said.

"I said you all fail. Teamwork is important for a ninja, sure. But they must also be able to follow orders as well as a hierarchy of command. Putting your teacher under a genjutsu betrays this hierarchy.", he said.

Naruto jaw dropped open and Sasuke's jaw tightened. Even Menma looked shocked.

"Just kidding!"

The three genins simultaneously let out sighs of relief. Naruto put his hand to his chest.

"You nearly gave me a heart attack,  Sensei!", he shouted.

"That's pay back for your mockery of Wood Style.", he shot back. "I know you had something to do with it, Naruto."

Naruto's voice immediately turned coy as he turned his head to the side.

"I have no idea what your talking about."

Kakashi just shook his head in disbelief. "Well, I had a whole speech and a mini-learning session planned but since you guys wanna cheat, you don't get it. But I will tell you this." His voice turned serious and they learned in to hear what he would say.

"In the ninja world, those who break the rules are scum." At this they lowered their gaze in shame.

"But.", he started. Their gazes lifted slightly.

"Those who abandon their comrades are worse than scum."

Their eyes widened as they understood the message.

"That was actually inspiring, Sensei.", Sasuke said in amazement.

"Are you insinuating something, Sasuke?", he said.

"Hn", Sasuke grunted as he looked away.

"Our first meeting will be at this place tomorrow at 9. Congratulations. We are now...Team Seven!" Kakashi gave his new team a thumbs up and shunshined away.

The newly christened Team Seven looked at each other.

"Soooo...", Menma trailed off. "What do we do now?"

"Duuhhhhh!", Naruto said as he slung his arm around Menma's shoulder.
"We celebrate!"

Sasuke tried quietly sneaking away but Naruto spotted him before he could get far.

"Where do you think you're going", Naruto called as he ran over to Sasuke and slung his arm over his shoulder as well with Menma awkwardly trailing behind as Naruto's arm was still around him.

"Don't lump me into this", Sasuke grumbled from under Naruto's arm.

"You're a part of Team Seven too!", Naruto exclaimed. "We're in this together!"

They marched into the sunset with Sasuke on the right and Menma on the left with Naruto in the middle and his arms around the both of them.


Meanwhile at the Hokage's office

"You wanted to see me because of your team, correct? Can't it wait until the meeting with the other jonin? I wa-"

"Hokage-sama", Kakashi interrupted. "This is very important, otherwise I wouldn't have came here."

The Third Hokage put down his pipe and leaned back in his chair.
"Alright then.", he said. "Go ahead."

"Well-", Kakashi started. "To begin I'd like to say that they did pass the test. They showed an incredible amount of teamwork; a level I'd thought impossible for genin."

The Sandaime's eyes narrowed. "Go on."

"But the thing is I was put under a genjutsu. And I don't mean I was in a genjutsu for a second and then got out, I mean I was in a genjutsu for-I dont know maybe the entire battle. I have no idea when I got put under it and only realized it was a genjutsu after I was already defeated." The few parts of Kakashi's face you could see were visibly stressed. "Honestly, this kind of power being in the hands of a genin is troubling. I don't know if maybe it has to do with the...", Kakashi trailed off.

"I see.", the Hokage stated. "That indeed is troubling. You may want to speak to Kurenai about that but for now we will leave this alone. Just observe them and report anything else of notice."

"Yes, Hokage-sama." Kakashi bowed his head slightly and then walked through the door closing it behind him. Sarutobi picked up and re-lit his pipe.

"Interesting.", he thought to himself. "Very interesting."

Sorry, but this is all I got for now. Seemed like a good place to end the chapter. See you in the next one. Alphadog360, out.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2019 ⏰

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