2 Years later

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This chapter is dedicated to dglove for being the first person that commented.

Thank you dglove! By the way to anyone reading this, I welcome any type of comments. Your comments can help me realize what's not so great about my story and what is great about my story. So please, do comment! Okay speech over, the story begins... Wait hold up.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any other characters in Naruto or Naruto Shippuden.

Now, the story begins... now.

                     STORY START

Menma's  POV

I woke up to the alarm clock ringing loudly. My eyes snapped open, and I shot out of bed.

I did my morning routine that was the same as always.

Wake up, stretch, walk into the bathroom, wash my face, brush my teeth, take a shower, put clean clothes on, eat breakfast, and go to the Academy.

I feel like I'm forgetting something...Nah. It's probably just my imagination. As I kept walking, I heard an angry yell.

"MENMAAA!", Naruto yelled. Oh. Guess I did forget something...well someone. Hmmm...I'll use this as training to see if he can come on time and proper by himself. It was a test that he would most likely fail, though.

I arrived at the Academy 30 minutes before class started. The only one there was Sasuke Uchiha. I waved in greeting as I sat down next to him. He nodded back to me and started the conversation.

Ok, you are probably like "hold up, wait a minute...Sasuke started a conversation?" Well, me and Sasuke were actually good training partners. I started talking to him one time after our training and realized that he wasn't so bad when he wasn't being cocky.

We immediately stopped talking when we sensed people outside.

"Tonight, same time?", I asked him.

He nodded his head right before the people came in. They were fangirls. I nearly banged my head on the desk. Why? Because they're so loud, so annoying, so possessive, so stalkerish, and so creepy. And did I forget to mention that I have my own fangirls too?

"MENMA! SASUKE!", the fangirls screamed. That's them being loud.








This was them being loud, stalkerish, annoying, possessive and creepy.

If I had never known manners, I would've told them to shut up. But I must be kind and gentlemanly to females so I don't.

After the girls came, everyone else started to trickle in. Soon, class started and Naruto was still not here. Right when we were getting ready to spar, Naruto came in yelling and waving his hands dramatically.

"Am I late?!?", he cried out. I looked at him and simply told him "yes".

He looked at me and put on a pout.

"How come you didn't wake me up?", he asked.

"Just wondering if you would wake up on your own. Apparently not", I said.

He pouted again and walked in line to spar.

"This is how it is set up", Iruka said. He showed us a clipboard with the matches written on it. I was fighting against Sasuke. Naruto was against Choji.

When it came to me and Sasuke, we got in our positions, ready to fight.

Sasuke made the first move. He threw a kunai at me then charged. I countered the kunai with one of my own, and as he got closer, reached out for a punch. He dodged and tried to kick me in the stomach. I blocked and tried to kick him in the head. He blocked that too.

It was easy to see that we were matched in taijutsu after a while of doing this we moved on to ninjustu. He made handsigns rapidly as did I.

"Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu!"

"Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu!"

My water dragon wasn't very big so it was no wonder why it didn't win. But the fire ball didn't win either. The two justus cancelled each other out.

I had another jutsu though.

"Water Style: Raging Water Bullets!"

Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu!"

Once again the jutsus cancelled each other out. I was panting from the loss of chakra as was Sasuke.

I decided to try taijutsu again. We ran at each other lightning quick, punched each other in the face and fell to the ground.

Iruka called the match a tie and we sat on the bench since we were done.

I was curious to see how Naruto would fare against Choji so I decided to watch their match.

In the beginning of the match, Choji's stomach grumbled.

"I'm hungry...", he whined.

Naruto suddenly brightened and fished in his pocket for something. He got out an all-you-can-eat coupon to a barbecue place.

Choji's eyes widened and he grabbed it saying "I quit!"

Iruka sighed and said that Naruto won by default.

After the matches eye finished we went back to the classroom and he told us that we'd have to pass the exams tomorrow to become a genin.

I was sure I was gonna pass but I couldn't say the same for Naruto. Guess I'll have to train him like crazy today.

I told Sasuke that I would have to pass up on training to help Naruto on the way to my house. He nodded in understanding and walked home.

"Come on, Naruto! YOU CAN DO IT!", I yelled at him. I was training him with the clone jutsu. I already did substitution and transformation. It was getting late and we needed to get sleep so I told him that was enough and we should go to sleep.

"For your efforts, I'll make my special homemade ramen", I told him.

He brightened up immediately.

"Really?", he asked.

"Yup", I said.

He started dancing around like a gorilla on drugs.

"Your ramen is the best!", he cried out. "Better than Ichiraku Ramen! And plus, I don't have to pay for it!"

I chuckled and shook my head. We went inside our house and after I made my ramen and it was all eaten, we showered, got into our pajamas, brushed our teeth and went to bed.

I really hope the test isn't on the clone jutsu. I didn't train him enough on that. How ironic life is.

I feel that this chapter is the longest so far so be glad. My hands hurt. ;-)  Please vote, comment, and follow!

Alphadog360, out!

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