Team Placement

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Hey guys! Don't kill me...please. I have no excuse, but I don't wanna die! Well, here's another chapter.

Menma's POV

We arrived at the academy with 6 minutes to spare. Yes, I said we arrived with 6 minutes to spare. I think it's because today's super duper important. Did I just say super duper? Naruto must be rubbing of on me. Well, we arrived and we're waiting for Iruka to come. that a horde of elephants? Nope, just Sakura and Ino. I'll switch this over to Naruto now. Too...troublesome.

Naruto's POV

Stampeding? Sakura! I mean Sakura-chan! Well, you caught me. Menma said that I do pranks for attention which is the same reason I 'like' Sakura. But I won't have to much longer. Hehehe, I'll be free! I can't wait to see the look on her face!

Sakura and Ino burst through the door panting and sweaty.

"I made it first Ino-pig! Take that!", Sakura yelled.

"No way, Billboard-Brow! I totally made it here first!", Ino yelled back.

"For the last time, you both made it in here at the same time! So shut up and get into a freakin' seat!", someone from the class screamed.

I looked at him with gratiude in my eyes.

"Thanks man", I told him.

"No problem", he replied.

Sadly, Sakura interupted that awesome bro moment.


"Sakura! SHUT. UP! I'm on the other side of the room and my ears are ringing! If you were a half-decent ninja-no academy student, you would realize that the seat is empty. So sit down and just SHUT UP!", Naruto screamed.

It got silent faster than the 4th Hokage could say Hiraishin.

Iruka-sensei walked in preparing to do the Big-Head no Jutsu but was surprised to realize that he didn't have to. He raised an eyebrow suspiciously but just put it to the back of his mind.

Sakura raised her hand.

"Yes Sakura?", Iruka said.

"Where's Mizuki-sensei", she asked.

"In jail. Anymore questions?"

Sakura's jaw dropped while I just smirked. Serves him right.

"Ok, then. Well, I would give a speech about how happy I am to see you guys become ninja, but it's not worth wasting my breath", Iruka said.

One student raised his hand politely to ask a question.

"Um, Iruka-sensei...why won't you give the speech?", he asked.

"Because most of you guys are basically cannon fodder. Not even a side character. Go ahead try to say your name", Iruka said.

"Iruka-sensei, I know you already know it.", the boy said. "My name is ******. What the heck? My name is ******."

Iruka chuckled heartily.

"Told you. Cannon fodder."

At this many other people around the room tried saying their names finding themselves unable to do so.

"Anyways, I still have to call the teams. Team One is..."

I decided to zone out until my name was called.

"Naruto Uzumaki..."

I picked my head up. I hope that Menma will be on my team.

"Menma Uzumaki..."

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