Chapter 11

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Mishka's Pov,

Good morning guys! Ahan already left for his office today. Yesterday night he slept at the living room and didn't even apologize  for his rude behavior. Maybe he has way too much workload otherwise my Ahan never misbehaves with me 😍.  Today I have taken off from office as you guys know I have a lunch party to attend. Even I have to plan my Saturday surprise last minute preparation 😌. 

" Hi everybody! Sorry for the delay now let's order fast please I'm hungry" Kabir bhai and his dramatic entries 🤣. We were waiting for him from the last 30 mins. Everyone asked about  Ahan but I made an excuse. I'm still mad at him & will not talk with him. Yes this will be his punishment. But can I stay without talking to him?

While chit-chatting and enjoying our lunch I saw Ahan entering the restaurant. What is he doing here? Maybe he wants to surprise me. I chuckled at my inner thoughts but the next scene that happened in front of me has broken me into pieces. He is hugging another woman who is non other than his ex-girlfriend Naina. Of course I have seen her picture earlier. Everybody is in shock especially Kabir & Dev bhai😲 . On the other hand, Ahan is sitting and enjoying his time with his ex. So this is the important project he is currently working on. They looked so relaxed, laughing & joking & Ahan is blushing! wow what a scene 🥺.  Probably it's true one can never forget their first love but in what expense? by deceiving your current partner. I trusted him blindly I believed nobody can beat him in loyalty , honesty until today. Why did he lie to me? I cannot see this scenario infront of me but didn't have the guts to confront him now. Everybody is trying to stop me but I'm running away like a coward. It's hard for me to hold back my tears.

"Mom can I stay at my place for a week. I'm really missing mumma papa"  I called mom immediately . " Mishka beta why are you even seeking permission from me. Go & stay with them. They also misses you. Have you informed Ahan?" Mom asked. " No mom he must be busy right now I'll drop a text to him. Take your medicines on time & give love to Dad"  And with that I ended the call.

"Mumma papa I'm here & gonna stay here for few days. Are you guys happy now?" I hugged both of them. "I just can't believe you are finally here" Mumma said. "We thought  you have forgotten us" Papa complained. "No never! Mumma can you make me a cup of ginger tea? I'm going in my room, after changing three of us is going to have a long chat just like old times" I said & pretended to be excited. I close the door of my room & cried my heart out sitting in the bed all alone but in reality all I want to do is hug mumma & complain about Ahan to my Papa.

 Mishka is mad at Ahan! 🥺 What will Ahan do now?

Precap: Confused Ahan!.


Yours faithfully,

Aesthetic Bloomer🤍 

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