Chapter 13

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Ahan's Pov,

What the heck is happening? Neither Mishka nor Kabir is picking up my phone calls what did I do to deserve this cold treatment. She is seeing all my messages but not replying. Even if she is mad at me she should confront me right? 

"Meet me at my house today if you are free obviously😒" Kabir texted. Why does his message sounds so cryptic?  "Of course bro! let's meet. I'll be their at your house by 7:30pm today. Need to tell you something very important"  I replied back.

"Oh wow! you are really here that too before time" Kabir smirked 😏. "What the hell are you talking about? Your crazy sister is not picking up my phone calls , not replying to my texts & now you are talking like this."  Now it's highly suspicious. Something really happened yesterday. I have already planned to visit Mishka's house after talking with him. 

"Coming straight to the point Ahan all of us saw you with Naina yesterday at the restaurant. Judging by her face Mishka was shattered. Why have you lied to her? your wife was planning a surprise for you this Saturday but then you are meeting your ex behind her back. I'm really disappointed. I  have never expected this from you"  Kabir said. A clear disappointment is present in his voice. But I'm beyond shocked can't even express my emotions right now. I'm devastated fully this is not the way I want have planned to tell her the truth. This is the reason that's why she is ignoring me. What a big misunderstanding! 

After cooling myself down I started explaining Kabir what really happened including my honeymoon plans. Next thing I got a punch on my stomach. " Whoa! here my wife left me due to a stupid misunderstanding & now you are punching me! "  I said holding my stomach. " You idiot Ahan! what will you do now?" Kabir asked. "What else I'll do. I'm gonna woo back my wife. I can't live without her. What I feel about her is inexpressible"  I replied sincerely. But now a major task is pending I have to manofy my wife. I keep on talking about how I feel about her. " So tell me what surprise she was planning for me?" I asked " Go & ask your wife. Oh god Ahan stop behaving like a love-sicken puppy. Inspite of confessing your feelings to me convince it to your wife" Kabir teased & then hugged me. 

So now I'm on a mission to get back my wife. Wait for me Jaan!

Ahan is now on a mission! Are you guys in with him?

Precap: Confessions.

Next chapter is going to be the final chapter of this story.


Yours faithfully,

Aesthetic Bloomer🤍 

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