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Mishka's Pov,

It's already been 3 years of our marriage. It's definitely not a smooth ride but at the end of the day we resolve our issues. From the last few days I'm feeling dizzy, nauseous & also missed my periods date. I'm not an idiot not to understand what this symptoms implies so I have already consulted a doctor & did all the necessary tests. Today I'm going to give Ahan the good news. Only Mom & mumma knows. Mothers' never fail to understand their child's unsaid words. Both of them held me tight when I cried seeing the positive pregnancy report.

Now I'm thinking how to reveal it to Ahan & even want to record his reaction. I have set up the camera in our cozy balcony again thanks to Youtube, my ultimate savior .

Ahan entered our room it's the time to execute my plan "Ahan can you please come to the balcony?" I nervously asked him . " What happened Jaan?"  " Just come here I need to show you something." He took the gift wrapped box from me while giving  me a suspicious look & starts opening the the box & saw the positive pregnancy kit. No reaction he has no expression on his face. Is he not happy? Not ready for a kid? But the next moment he is hugging me & I'm feeling tear drops on my shoulder " Thank you Mishka. This is the best gift ever"

"Mumma mumma I want to hold the baby" Little Devika complained. Oh she is Dev bhai & Anaya's daughter. 

We are blessed with a baby boy. Today is his name ceremony celebration. During the time of my pregnancy the way Ahan has pampered me & fulfilled my cravings is beyond expectation. And the way everyone supported us made our pregnancy journey easy.

Kiya & Aakash jiju can't stop gushing over our son. Pregnancy glow suits on Kiya.

Vishal Bhaiya & Naina Di has joined us virtually as they were unable to fly over here. With Ahan's help & their hardwork their business is running well.

Dev bhai & Anaya is now having their 'we' time while Devika is busy showing her princess outfit to our parents. 

Last but not the least Kabir bhai is getting engaged to the love of his life Vardhan next month. Well he came out as gay. Due to the society fears & anxiety he never cared to share his feelings with anyone. Fear of getting judged you know but after meeting with carefree Vardhan he confessed the truth. Both of them looks so cute together. At the beginning we were really disappointed at him specially Ahan & Dev bhai. How can he not trust us? How come he thought we will judge him? His happiness matters the most. We love him unconditionally no matter what.

And our bundle of joy is sleeping peacefully in his father's arm. My boys❤️.

God has gifted us a cute little boy & now it's our duty to teach 'MIHAN MALHOTRA' how  to become a good human being🤍 .

I want to thank each & every reader for reading this book💜 . Today the book crossed 1K views. I'm truly thankful & overwhelmed. Today my journey ends with Heart's Desire. I have never thought in my wildest dream that I'll end up writing a book. 

I hope you guys liked the characters of the book. I know in reality life is not that easy. We all face ups & down in our life. I just wanted to take you guys away from reality to a dreamworld with this short ,simple story. Hopefully I have succeed in my mission to put a smile on your faces. 

Do share your opinions about the book, about the characters or anything you guys wanna talk about. I would love to read your comments & have a good conversation with you guys.

Have a good life. Keep smiling & stay motivated always.


Yours faithfully,

Aesthetic Bloomer🤍 

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