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No one's POV

Severus and remus have been dating for six in a half months, but what severus didn't know is that remus was dating sirius for eight months...that was until the black haired boy found out.

Remus hasn't been talking or hanging out with severus for a whole month in a half, it worried the boy greatly so he decided to go look for the sandy curly-brown haired boy himself.

James walks past snape with lily beside him, they saw the black haired boy looking for remus,; they felt pity for the boy. "Hey snape!" Yells potter as the slytherin looked up at him with knitted brow's, quickly making his way towards the gryffindor couple, severus stands tall even if he is quite shorter then anyone in their year. "Yes james..?" Severus questions quietly, you see the marauders and snape started to become friends so they slowly got used to saying each other's names.

The stag told the doe what his boyfriend was up to and severus teared up, he didn't think that remus would cheat on him behind his back...come dinner the werewolf sat down trying to cover the hickey's that we're on his neck, collar bone and shoulder blade, Sirius doing the same thing.

Later on after dinner the couple could be found in the library, one trying to hold back tears while the other was obvious about what he did. Severus looks up form his book with quivering lips, "why didn't you eat during dinner mi amor?" Remus questions as he looks up at the teary eyed boy in front of him.

"Why...?" Snape whispers trying to fight the tears that we're threatening to fall form his onyx eyes, lupin stiffened up quickly looking away form the sniffling slytherin in front of him. He didn't mean for severus to find out that him and sirius we're a thing still, hearing a soft sob form the boy in front of him.

The werewolf looked back at the now breaking down boy, gulping back a lump in his throat remus try's to grab severus's fragile hand. "No...s-stay away fr-from me!" The slytherin shouts with hot tears running down his flushed face, pushing the chair back with so much force that it tipped over, severus tobies snape ran straight out the library, still crying form the fact his boyfriend had cheated on him.

Remus sat there in shock...'who told you..?' he thought as the werewolf stands up and walks out the library with shaky hands, this wasn't how it was supposed to end. They we're supposed to stay together through thick and thin...but he fucked it up for them both. "I-i'm sorry..." The sandy curly-brown haired boy whispers to no one, quickly wiping the tears off his face.

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