𝐈 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮.

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No one's POV
Severus smiled a fake smile as he watched his now ex lover get married to a man that he cheated on him with. Now the ebony haired male watched his old love find someone new. . The wedding was over and everyone was dancing, singing, eating or drinking, just enjoying the after party.

Harry turned to his godfather and whined, sure he loved his uncle sirius but to tear apart a family just for your own pleasure sickens him. He walked towards severus and made a grabbing motion, indicating that he wanted to be picked up; Severus picked up his godson and kisses his cheek with a sad smile.

"I love you my baby fawn.. i'll always protect you and your daddies, but i have to leave" he whispers to the sleeping potter in his arms, walking over to james and regulus the ebony haired male handed them their son then bowed, as he turns around and walks out the protection wards of the wedding he apparated to splinters end. It's been four months sense remus an sirius had gotten married.

Severus had started to date another wizard from american who's name was sèbastian flores, he has dark blue hair, brown eyes and tan-ish skin. He smiled tiredly at his beloved daughter as she giggled and chased after her big brother, shaking his head he laughed as she fell over and continued to laugh loudly as her an her brother continued to play happily.

Remus walked past the park the snape-flores family was playing at, he looked at his old lover.. though he couldn't help but feel jealous of the fact barty crouch Jr got to date HIS severus, he wanted to have a family with his husband sirius but the ebony haired male didn't want kids. Remus sighed as he continued to watch his ex lover watch as her kids chased after each other.

"Mama, mama wook!" Elizabeth eileen snape-flores squeals and showed her mother a baby snake she had found in the park. The ebony haired male looked at the snake in his daughters hand and shook her head at her with a smile.

Severus's POV
I laughed softly at my daughter as she chased after her big brother with the baby snake in her hands, sighing softly i look up as i had a feeling we we're being watched.. i regret looking up from my children. There stood my ex boyfriend, remus john black-lupin this bastard left me at the worst moment in our relationship.. i was about three months pregnant with our first born child but... That baby never made it into this world from me stressing out to much, our son ended up dying in the womb. I had cried my eyes out when it happened, sèbastian was there to comfort me. I felt loved from that simple gesture once again, months past and then we got married and had two beautiful kids. Well.. three soon.

Remus's POV
'He looks like a fallen angel..' i thought as my ex lover was walking over to me, holding back the urge to pull him by his waist and just kiss him passionately was very hard. That's when i smelt it. .

He's pregnant with that bastards kid! A low growl slip past my throat and i couldn't help it any more, lunging towards severus with enough force to knock us both over i pinned him to the ground, "You fucking bastard! I fucking trusted you!" I yelled out at the struggling ebony haired male below me.

"B-black g-get o-off m-me!" Severus shouts at me, i just growled again and leaned down towards his neck where i had always love to mark up. 'these aren't our markings!' i heard moony's thoughts start raging, letting out another growl as i lean closer to his neck once again, 'Severus smells sweet..' was all i could think of.. he normally smells like potions, old books and parchment paper.

I bite down on his pale neck and made sure to dig my canines deeper into his neck, before i knew it i started to taste blood.. "R-remus ngh- n-not haah- i-in fr-front ha- t-the k-kids haah~" the ebony haired male below me moaned out, i rolled my eyes and removed my mouth from severus's neck, licking up the blood that had trickled out a little.

No one's POV
Remus had grabbed severus by his waist and apparated to there old house with the two kids, the kids ran off to give the two adults privacy. The sandy curly-brown haired male pulled his shirt, pants and boxers off then looks at severus for permission to take the ebony haired male's clothes off as well.

A hour later severus was laying on his stomach, ass in the air and head buried into a pillow; A loud moan escape the ebony haired male's lips as he felt remus pound into him. "R-remus ngh- m-more~" the ebony haired moans out while he lift's his ass higher for the lycanthrope to go deeper.

Remus growled and pulled out then roughly slams back inside his 'lover', enjoying the screams, moans and shrieks of pleasure that leaves the slytherins mouth. "F-fuck severus ngh- your f-fucking tight" he grunts and thrust's once more, then cums into the pleasured filled ravenette.

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