𝑾𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝒎𝒆?

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No one's POV
Remus john lupin pasted around the gryffindor common room, trying to think of ways to propose to a certain ravenette in slytherin, he couldn't help but think of Luke, canis, hope and acturus.. severus and his four kids. Luke Greyback and canis lupin being adopted by both of them, well more like, canis got adopted by severus so Remus could take care of his baby brother, a soft sigh left the lycanthropes mouth as he flopped down on to the maroon couch.

"Hey moony! Oh-.. you okay?" James asked as he sat down beside his best mate, noticing how Remus looked somewhat depressed for some odd reason, the werewolf looked up and gave his friend a half smile. "Heya prongs.." remus mumbles softly before laying down on the couch, whining about how he'll have to break up with severus sense he was a cowered for not proposing soon. James shook his head, making chocolate brown-curly locks bounce slightly, being head boy with regulus made him realize a lot of things and one of them was.. remus and severus we're smitten for each other.

Later on in the night, remus snuck off to see his beloved boyfriend and their kids, as he made it out of hogwarts grounds the curly-brown haired male took his wand then apparated to the prince manner. "Darling?" Called out Remus as he noticed the house was pitch black, no light in sight or noise could be heard.. it concerned him greatly, so with all his gryffindor courage, the lycanthrope walked up the flight of marble stairs to his lovers room. Upon opening the door, he was meet with severus in lacy lingering and hands cuffed behind his back, that alone made him semi-hard, then he noticed something. . Severus looked around 3 months pregnant. "Surprise rem" severus said gently, looking at his lover. Hazel-brown eye's scanned the others body, thinking of bending him over so only snape's chest was on the bed as he fucked the man's brains out with no mercy.

Walking towards the ravenette and pulling him close, plump lips meet scared lips. Remus pulled severus into a deep and passionate kiss, the werewolf's lips going lower towards his mate's neck where the mating mark is still fresh, opening his mouth and revealing sharp canines.. remus bit down on the delicate porcelain skin, causing a sharp cry of pleasure to leave the slytherins mouth. "R..remus ngh-" he moaned, feeling rough hands rip the lingering off in one go.

Remus pulled back to observe his now fully naked lover, panting softly in his touch. Taking off his pants and boxers, lupin lined himself up to the slytherins entrance, pushing the head of his cock inside severus' while he makes sure the other is also enjoying it all. "H..harder.. remus.. p-please!" Cried out severus, with one finally push.. remus was full inside his mate. Pulling out and slamming back in the male below him, listing to the cry's of pleasure coming from severus made him smirk, nipping the slytherins neck to increase the pleasure. "Severus.. i know this is a bad time, fuck-.. but will you marry me?" Remus asked as he continued to brutality thrust deeper inside the onyx eyed male, watching as a small bulge formed inside the other's stomach. Trying to focus his eyes on the man that is currently fucking him into oblivion, the ravenette gasped as remus' knot locked them in place, knowing it'll take a few minutes or so for it to start releasing. "Mm.. y-yes.. the answer is y..yes rem. I w..will marry y-YOU~" cried out severus as the knot popped and warm cum started to fill the slytherin full, tighting around remus' cock so the other couldn't pull out, severus pulled remus in for a deep and suffocating kiss. Moans soon filled the room again as the now engaged coupled went for another round.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2022 ⏰

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