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Remus' POV

Why in merlin's name is it so hot today? I look out to james, Sirius and peter running around in the grass, it's currently spring here in Scotland. "Hey moony where are you going?" James had questioned me, i just waved my hand indicating that i'm going to our dorm for a while.

'It's so hot.' I thought, kicking the blankets off of me i decided to get up and walk around the castle. Going to the perfect bathroom, quickly looking around to make sure there wasn't anyone watching me. Slipping inside the bathroom i quickly take my clothes off and start the bathtub, when i was about to get in a smell hit my nose.

"Who's here..?" I ask and turn around, grabbing my wand form the pile of robe's, looking at the door a semi shorter figure appears in front of me. 'Wait...is that snape?! What in merlin's name is he doing here?' was all i could think before a smell of old books, chocolate and potions hit me. "Lupin?" He questions, i wonder if he can say my name more...sexual, quickly shaking those thoughts form my head i wave to him.

Looking at the boy before me, i just noticed..snape's hair looks actually fluffy, his clothes are very...inappropriate and his skin looks so delicious to bite, mark- OKAY that's enough! Smiling nervously at the ebony haired boy i cover my crotch. "H-hey..!" I stuttered out, he raised one of his eyebrow's at me before shrugging his shoulders; severus walked towards me while taking his shirt off 'i-is he gonna take a bath?!' my thoughts started to race of very inappropriate things, walking backwards feeling the foot hit the back of the tub i gulp.

"Are you getting in as well?" He ask me before taking the rest of his clothes off, fuck..i quickly get in the tub after him, 'alright then remus, don't panic..it's not like your going to fuck his...nice plump ass, mark up the milky porcelain skin..fuuuck!' These thoughts are terrible. Feeling snape rub against my semi-hard cock a quite groan escaped my lips.

No one's POV

Severus felt remus's semi-hard cock pressing up against his ass, so the slytherin decided to tease the sandy curly-brown haired boy behind him, the snape heir started to grind agent's the male's lap. "So..how have you've been lupin?" He ask softly, turning his head to look at the flustered werewolf behind him, blushing faintly severus leans up and kisses remus' softly. The sandy curly-brown haired boy was shocked but kissed back, feeling there lips connect like a puzzle.

Twenty minutes later, the ebony haired boy found himself pressed against the bathtub wall, legs spread out and remus lupin pounding into the tight whole.

"F-fuck..ngh..remus!~" severus  moans out, feeling a unfamiliar knot in his stomach; remus kisses down the boys chest, licking and sucking hickey's all over the porcelain skin. Thrusting deeper into the hot walls of his pray, the werewolf growl's lowly when he imagines someone else making his severus feel this way, having the boy below him moan his name.

The lycanthrope grabbed snape's shoulders and pulls the boy to his chest, pulling out then roughly thrusting deeper inside him. Snape whimpers softly and kisses lupins neck, tearing up at the sensation of the lycanthrope heavily thick erect cock go deeper inside him, "Your mine and only fucking mine." Remus growl's lowly, biting the sensitive boy's shoulder blade.

"REMUS F-FUCK HA-HAAH RI-RIGHT THERE!~" Snape screams in pleasure, tearing up when he felt something hot spill inside him. Looking at the sandy curly-brown haired boy with half lidded eyes, the young slytherin whines when he came all over there stomachs while remus smirks and pulls the boy into a heated kiss.

"Love you sev.." whispers the lycanthrope as he watches severus slowly drift off to sleep, they had gotten out of the bathtub after they finished their fun and washed up. Snape purrs softly, feeling the gryffindor head boy's body heat made the slytherin feel loved; soon soft snores we're being heard from lupin as the wolf had fallen asleep after making sure his lover was also asleep. "I love you more remus.." whispers severus as he drifted off to sleep once more.

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