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Remus's POV
I was walking around in the forbidden forest, that's all i could do at the moment because james, sirius and peter we're in class and i had free period, these woods are bigger then how they look on a full moon.

"Shit!" I shouted as i tripped over a tree branch, fucking bloody hell! Stupid tree.. during my walk i heard a noise coming from somewhere in here, don't know where though, sighing softly as i continue to walk away from the castle.

A hour went by and i stumbled across a lake, crystal clear water and a..doe? What in merlin's name was a doe doing here? Wait a minute... That's a patronus! "Hello? Is anyone here..?" I asked to no one in particular but then the patronus turned around and looked at me, she started to prance around before she disappeared into a blue fog.

No One's POV
Remus was confused on where the patronus went, he looked around for the person who casted the spell but didn't see anyone or anything, shrugging his shoulders the werewolf walks closer to the lake, enjoying the warmth from the sun. A russel from the bushes caused him to look up from what he was doing, nothing was touched or moved so he went back to reading a book that he'd brought.

"Lupin..?" Onyx eye's looked at the lycanthrope as he looked up quickly to see who said his name, a blush covered remus's face within seconds, the sandy curly-brown haired male spotted severus looking at him with a flower crown, oversized hoodie, skirt and converse. The ebony haired male walked up to the gryffindor like how a deer would, cautiously and curious, that caused him to heat up more at the nasty and not so innocent thoughts to play in his mind, feeling another body right next to his, he turned around only to become face to face with severus.

"Your adorable.." he mutter's, quickly covering his mouth and looking away from embarrassment, the werewolf thought that his new companion would leave and never look back. Turing green eyes towards onyx eyes, he was surprised to see the slytherin smiling softly at him, this caused him to turn more redder then the weasley's hair.

Severus's POV
"Thank you for the compliment remus.. you're quite handsome yourself" i replayed back to the now red faced gryffindor. 'He looks adorable like that' was all i could think as i pushed some hair back from my face, a soft smile tugged at my lips and i quickly turned away from the lycanthrope beside me. It's bad enough i have a crush on this man AND he's sitting beside me!

"Why aren't you in class..?" Remus asked me, so i shrugged in response, i really have no idea why i'm not in class.. all i know is, i saw a butterfly and followed it here and got lost so i sent my patronus to find some help. "I got lost and sent my patronus to find me help" i said while laying my head into remus' chest, surprisingly it was comfortable to lay on, hearing the werewolf's heart beat made me relax and enjoy our time together.

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