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madmax & supernova.

RECESS SOON rolled around as nova and max found a spot outside, max immediately beginning to practice on her skateboard whilst nova pulled out her notebook and worked on her sketches.

she had always loved to draw, whenever things came to mind she would get it down on paper as soon as possible before she got it. her journal ( max liked to tease her and call it a diary ) held pretty much everything that came to nova's mind.

nova couldn't help but notice the same four boys from that morning watching the two of them and discussing wether or not they were 'supernova' and 'madmax' . it seemed max had noticed too as she kept sending them annoyed glares.

"max, what do you think of this?" she held up her drawing to show her sister. this sketch was of the playground, and the students in it. you could see max skateboarding, and even the four boys staring through the railing.

the four boys watching saw the drawing and all widened their eyes in a panic, exclaiming lots of curse words and 'she's seen us!' 'abort!'

max had an impressed look on her face. "it's good. really good. you could be, like, ..a famous drawer." she complimented.

nova laughed at her, letting out a scoff. "you mean artist?" max waved her off, shrugging. "yeah, sure. that."

max got back on her skateboard for a total of three seconds, before groaning and turning back to her sister who raised a brow. "i'm sick of this. can i have a piece of paper and use your pen?" max huffed. nova nodded, unfortunately having to rip out a piece of paper. max sat down next to her as she wrote on the paper.

'stop spying on us, creeps!' she had written, and nova even wrote, 'i like curly haired boys hat though' max laughed at this, and the two walked up the stairs, dropping the note in the trash before walking inside.

they listened at the door to hear the boys reactions, and found themselves giggling when they heard dustin exclaim, "she likes my hat! i told you, the ladies love me!"

"shut up, dude." mike wheeler complained.

THE REST of the day went pretty quickly, nova and max got picked up by billy, who had a girl with her but max and nova ignored it as billy took a turn, causing them to frown. "where we going?"

"you two are going to the arcade. maddison and i are going home. i'll pick you up after."

"what? no. i want to go home, we've got homework you dick," nova exclaimed in shock as maddison turned to her.

"hey! don't talk to your brother like that, you little shit." maddison had exclaimed at her as they pulled up to the arcade parking lot.

"excuse me? who even are you? can't keep track these days as billy comes home with a different girl every day." nova glared at the teen who gasped as max snorted and billy rolled his eyes.

"screw you!" maddison launched at her as nova fought back, however billy grabbed nova's arm, and pulled her forcefully out the car, aware and careless of all the eyes on them, including dustin henderson and lucas sinclair who watched in shock.

"just take maxine, and go in there, nova." he said, squeezing her arm tighter which would most definitely make a bruise. she glared at him. "c'mon, nova." max mumbled with a small frown

nova reluctantly did so as maddison glared at her, "stupid bitch." maddison spat as nova raised her middle finger at her before pushing past max and onto the arcade, slamming the door shut as max shook her head.

lucas and dustin followed them in as nova pushed past anyone near and got onto dig dug, max playing on the arcade game next to her as nova managed to beat max's score of 750,00, and got 768,000. this caused max to insult nova every chance she got.

"they're incredible.." dustin whispered with a smile, him and lucas sliding down onto the floor with a dreamt smile. "they're..."

"madmax and supernova." they both grinned as they spoke in sync.

"you two really need to stop stalking us." nova spoke as she crossed her arms, looking down at them from behind the counter. lucas let out a shriek as dustin jumped.

"we weren't..."
"we weren't stalking."

"yeah, yeah, whatever. i'm nova. i know you are dustin, but who are you?" she held her hand out for the boy to shake.

he smiled sheepishly at her, "..i'm..lucas." he smiled. she found herself smiling back, as he shook her hand. "nice to meet you, lucas."

"nice to meet you too, nova." lucas smiled, nova thought with the way he was staring at her it was almost as if he was trying to read her mind and soul. weird....

"okay...bye then." with that, nova walked away as both boys smiled adoringly, turning to face each other.

"she's awesome.."

billy is a rat

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billy is a rat .

𝐒𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐒, lucas sinclair.Where stories live. Discover now