the night we met-(1)

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Hi, I'm y/n y/l/n, and I'm taking you back to the night we met. Nothing had seemed as comforting before you. We didn't have the best start as it goes, but if that had never happened, maybe we would've happened sooner? You were so innocent back then, back when you didn't have to take responsibility for your actions. We were only kids then, I guess. But you were the thing I'd have never pictured my life needing. It wasn't just a desire to have you, it was to show you that you can be loved. Maybe in a way you'd never been shown before. But she got in the way before we had our chance. I remember telling myself that I had to just cope with it all, but you will never know how much it hurt or that it was that hardest thing I ever had to go through.

We met at 12, I was bewildered by the person I was and how floored I was, you were engaged on the feeling that you could make your parents proud, by changing the person you truly were. I was never good at making friends back then, you saw right through me. Like I was sheet of glass awaiting for someone to come and break me, because sooner or later it was going to happen. But I had pansy, she helped me through a lot of my years at hogwarts. And the relief I had to find out I was placed in the same house, slytherin. I knew my parents would be proud, in my family its almost like a tradition, generations and generations of slytherins. throughout the family history. At least it was one thing to be proud of.

My parents were pretty popular in the wizarding world. They both worked in the ministry and had everything good going for them. Except for an insecure child who never exceeded their expectations. I was known as the family embarrassment. Even they questioned if I'd get a letter to hogwarts. My father was easy going with me, but was rather strict sometimes. my mother on the other hand, she was what you'd call 'the devil in disguise'. She would always compare me to other members of the family, such as my older cousins. It was hard growing up how I did. Everything was like a competition. But when I arrived at hogwarts I felt the weight I'd been carrying on my shoulders for years, slowly edge away. I was free, or at least until the holidays. That is if I chose to go back or stay at hogwarts.

I was an only child on top of all of that. My parents wanted a boy, you can see where the disappointment came in. I had no siblings to help me through my struggle at home, leaving me to ball up my anxieties and depression. It wasn't fun growing up in the y/l/n family. Everything was exaggerated for no reason whatsoever.

First year was a hectic ride. Snape, our potions teacher, always tried to find ways to pick on me. Even though I was a member of his house. But you, no, he was easy going with you. Never once picked on you from what I can remember. I guess you were just lucky. But trying to find students as welcoming as some of the slytherins was another thing. Pansy and I linked as soon as we met, she always took my side and even got herself into fights because she wanted to protect me at all costs. It was a weird kind of friendship, one I'd never experienced before, but it was something. But the golden trio were the classic favourites, though I used to tag along with them myself. Harry Potter, hermione granger and Ron weasley. They always got themselves into the melodramatic, life threatening disasters of each school semester. You would classically role you eyes at them without a doubt. I knew from the moment you offered your hand in friendship with Harry, you would always hold a grudge against him. Harry turned down your offer and embarrassed you in front of everyone, it was quite wrong if I do say so myself, but you were being rather boisterous towards Ron.

You loved the bickering. Especially with me, sometimes it made my blood boil having to put up with it on a daily basis. you found ways to slide in a sharp witted joke, whether the atmosphere was appropriate for it or not. There was always something about you I liked. I didn't know what it was at first, considering you never really talked to me as such. But you were always quick on your comebacks. No one ever tried to drag you into it, because they feared you'd find out their weaknesses and use it against them.

The only problem was, you had 'friends' such as crabbe and goyle who always walked behind you. I always wondered if they were your bodyguards or something. And even though I was in your house, and I was pureblood, you took it upon yourself to mock me throughout the first few years of school. Just seeing you in those first few years, made me wished I never gone to hogwarts in the first place. You made my skin crawl because you non stop abused me with your obnoxious words.

I wished I could say I was just the same as you, but we definitely had our differences. Not as many as you thought, but we were just kids then.


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