the escape-(43)

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The book began to rustle. Before he knew it, the books pages separated into two, forming a mouth. It began to open and close, it also made a strange growling noise. It was trying to bite at Harry, he dropped it to the floor onto the old creaky floor boards. It dashed for Harry's shoes as soon as it had the chance. It was sliding across the floor to get to Harry, he backed up until the point where he could no longer do so. He jumped onto the bed and the book continued to follow under the bed all the way to the back wall. It sat there for a moment. There was no noise, at least not for a couple of seconds. Harry leant off of the foot of the bed, he hung upside down trying to find the monster book. It had just stopped at the back of the wall for a minute or so. When it realised Harry had been gawking at it for a little while, it's "face" rotated, now pointing at him. It darted for him again, but Harry wasn't within its view, so it turned around and followed under the bed again. Harry untied his leather boot and held it by its laces. He hung it by the end of the bed and dropped it onto the floor boards. The book shot for Harry's boot thinking it was him. Harry got himself ready for once the book came to the end of the bed and jumped on the cover.

Once Harry was able to tame his book and get it wrapped up in the leather belt again, he wandered around, heading downstairs. A cat was chasing after a rat. He heard familiar voices, 3 guesses as to who.

Ron:"I'm warning you, Hermione! Keep that bloody beast away from scabbers. He must end up in a tea cozy."

Me:"Ron, don't blame Hermione, it's only within crookshanks nature to chase after scabbers. Its a cat. What else can I do?"

Hermione:"thanks you, y/n."

Ron:"a cat? Is that what they told you? Looks more like a pig with hair, if you ask me."

Hermione:"that's rich coming from the owner of that smelly old shoe brush. Its alright crookshanks, don't listen to the mean little boy."


I felt a burst of adrenaline pump through my veins. I don't know why, but I ran straight for him to hug him. I'd missed him, more than I probably ever had. We hadn't spoke as much over this summer as I'd have hoped, but we were here all together now, that's what counts.


Harry:"its alright."

ron:"well you're excited."

Our appearances had all changed now, it was odd to think that I can picture us all when we were 12 and looked a lot younger than now. If we're about to go into 3rd year now? That means we'll all be 15 soon. Hermione was the oldest out of all of us. I was a few months behind her. But, we all looked grown up now, its scary to think about it now, but considering how far we've come, I think we've been good enough to still be alive. Especially after last year. When we all greater each other, the rest of the weasley's followed in shortly after Ron and Hermione. They'd recently returned from their month long holiday. They won a galleon draw, they spent the majority of the money on the holiday, also visiting their son Bill when they went. We all sat down at the table to have breakfast. Ron was showing us the newspaper of when they made the front page for their winnings in the draw.

Harry:"Egypt. What was it like?"

Ron:"brilliant. Lots of old stuff, like mummies, tombs, even scabbers enjoyed himself."

Me:"Ron. You do realise Egyptians used to worship cats?"

Ron:"yeah, along with the dung beetles."

Fred:"you're not flashing that clipping again, are you?"

Ron:"I haven't shown anyone."

George:"no, not a soul."

Fred:"not unless you count Tom."

George:"the day maid."

Fred:"the night maid."


Fred:"the bloke who fixed the toilet."


Harry: Mrs. Weasley."

Molly:"good to see you, dear."

Harry:"good to see you too."

Molly:"got everything you need?"


Molly:"yes? All of your books."

Harry:"yeah, it's all upstairs."

Molly:"all of your clothes?"


Molly:"good boy."

Harry:"thank you."

Molly patted him on the shoulder and then went to go and book the room for the night. Mr. Weasley wandered over to Harry.

Arthur:"Harry potter."

Harry:"Mr. Weasley."

Arthur:"Harry? Might I have a word?"

Harry:"yeah, sure."

Arthur:"y/n, Hermione."

Me:"good morning, Mr. Weasley."

Arthur dragged Harry off to the side, he said he wanted to talk to him about something, but I never quite heard what he'd said.

Arthur:"looking forward to a new term?"

Harry:"yeah, it should be great."

Arthur;"Harry, some from the ministry would strongly discourage me from divulging what I'm about to reveal to you. But, I think that you need to know the facts. You are in danger. Grave danger."

Harry:"has this anything to do with sirius black, sir?"

Arthur:"what do you know about sirius black, harrry?"

Harry:"only that he's escaped from azkaban."

Arthur:"do you know why?.....13 years ago, when you stopped..."


Arthur:"don't say his name."


Arthur:"when you stopped you-know-who, black lost everything. But, to this day, he still remains a faithful servant. And in his are the only thing that stands in the way of those plans. The plans of you-know-who returning to power. And that is why he has escaped from azkaban. To find you."

Harry:"and to kill me."

Arthur:"swear to me Harry, that whatever you hear, you won't go looking for black."

Harry:"Mr. Weasley? What would I go looking for someone who wants to kill me?"

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