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Hagrid:"no. You can't. You don't understand."

Tom:"the girl's parents are going to be here tomorrow, and the least hogwarts can do, is make sure the thing that killed their daughter, is slaughtered."

Hagrid:"it wasn't arigog. Arigog never killed anyone, ever!"

Tom:"monsters don't make good pets Hagrid. Now stand aside."


Tom:"hagrid. Seasam appelia."

With the wave of his wand, the box broke open.

Tom:"arania exdubey."

the "monster" ran out and away from it all.


Tom:"I can't let you leave Hagrid. For this, you'll be expelled."

Harry tried reaching out. Though his actions made no difference to what this experience was.


He was returning.

The bright light had appeared again.


The door slammed shut from where hagrid and Tom were. Harry blinked once and found himself back in his chair, the book was now wide open.


Harry rushed out of his chair. He had to wait until the morning to tell us all because everyone was asleep when it happened.

*the next day*

Harry:"it was hagrid. It was hagrid who opened the chamber of secrets 50 years ago."

Hermione:"It can't be, I just ..can't."

Me:"yeah, I mean, hagrid's one of the nicest people here, why would he want to open a chamber that's caused no one but harm?"

Harry:"I don't know."

Ron:"and also...we don't know this Tom riddle person. He sounds like a dirty rotten snitch to me."

Harry:"the monster had killed somebody Ron. What would any of us have done?"

Hermione:"look. Hagrid's our friend. Why don't we just go and ask him?"

Ron:"That'll be a cheerful visit. 'Hello hagrid. Tell us, have you been setting anything mad and hairy off around the school lately?'"

Hagrid:"mad and hairy? You wouldn't be talking about me would you?"


Me:"What's that you've got hagrid?"

Hagrid:"it's that flesh eating slug repellent I told you about in diagon alley. Its for the mandrakes. According to professor sprout, they've still got a bit of growing up to do. But once their acne has clearly up, we can chop them up, stew em, and then we'll get those people at the hospital unpetrified. On the mean time, you 4 best be looking after yourselves. Alright?"

Neville came running up from the corridors, sprinting straight for us.

Neville:"Harry. I don't know who it was but come quick. In the common rooms.

Me:"right, I'll wait out here for you guys. Report back to me afterwards."

Harry:"right. Got it. Bye y/n."

I know this is a do or die situation right now, but something about him just seems different. I don't know what it is but I like it. He's always the first one/the only one to say hello and bye to me, and he's always considering me when he has to make decisions. But though it might seem the way it is, I'm sure he'd never feel the same way. Besides I'm noting special out of your average female students. But I won't waste my breath on it.

Harry rushed up the stairs with Ron, hermione and neville. The common rooms were trashed along with all of their belongings in their rooms. Everyone room had been emptied out. Beds were torn apart, the stuffing was all over the floors along with, broken candles, picture frames and books.

Hermione:"It had to be a gryffindor. No one else knows our password. Unless it wasn't a student?"

Ron:"whoever it was, they were obviously looking for something."

Harry:"and they found it...Tom riddle's diary is gone."

*later at the next quidditch match*

Oliver:"right, listen up, hufflepuff doesn't stand a chance. We're stronger, quicker and smarter."

Fred:"not to mention, they're all scared if they go near Harry they'll get petrified."

Oliver:"well, that too....professor Mcgonnagall."

Mcgonnagall:"this match has been cancelled."

Oliver:"watch? You can't cancel quidditch?"

Mcgonnagall:"silence Wood. You and your team mates will go up to gryffindor Tower, now."

All of the team had headed off. They had never cancelled a quidditch match before, and besides, you could sense Oliver wasn't too happy about it.

Mcgonnagall:"Potter? You need to come with me. We need to find Mr weasley and miss y/l/n. There's something that all of you have to see."

*at the hospital wing*

Me and Ron had been sent to the hospital wing. Harry said Mcgonnagall wanted us all there for something. I don't know what, but if the hospital wing is involved, it's never usually good.

Mcgonnagall:"I warn you, this may be a wee bit of a shock."

We followed along, passing each individual hospital bed. Madame pomfrey stood over one of them. Another had been petrified. It was hermione.


Me:"do you know what happened to her?"

Mcgonnagall:"unfortunately, like the rest, we couldn't find any reason as to why this has occurred. But she was found bear the library. She was found with this."

Mcgonnagall held up a mirror from the bed side table. Hermione's frozen body put me off a little bit. A tear let loose, streaming down my cheek. Harry came closer to me and rubbed my shoulder with his palm.

Mcgonnagall:"does this mean anything to any of you?"


Ron put put his hand to touch hers. Her hands were freezing cold, almost like ice. I wonder how it happened? I mean, of all people, hermione's the brightest out of all of us. I don't understand how this could've happened?

*back in the gryffindor common room*

Mcgonnagall:"can I have all of your attention please? Because of recent events, these rules will be taken into effect immediately. All students with returned to their house common rooms for 6:00 'o' clock every evening. All students will be escorted to lessons by a teacher. No exceptions....I should tell you this. Unless the culprit behind all of these attacks is caught, it is likely the school will be closed."

You could see in all of the teachers eyes now, everyone was scared including me. I wasn't normally, but the fact that something as bad as this happen to a lot of students, is just beyond insane. First it was Colin and now hermione.

Or maybe there was some sort of pattern that we were all missing?

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