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Harvey relaxed onto Jasper's chest as the vampire played with his soft hair. 

"Are you ok now?" Jasper whispered.

"Yeah, thank you," Harvey replied quietly. Harvey had been having a nightmare and Jasper was there when he screamed himself awake. Jasper was comforting him by letting him lay on his chest and it had worked. 

"No problem darlin'," Jasper whispered back. One hand was playing with Harvey's hair while the other was rubbing his hip, the blonde found that it helped calm him down faster. Harvey sighed contently. 

Harvey's skin was starting to cool down as well due to Jasper's cold body. Harvey often got hot when he slept and Jasper was the perfect person to help cool him down. 

There was an abrupt knock on Harvey's door, making the boy jump. 

"Harvey?" Bella's voice called. 

"Do you want me to go?" Jasper asked as Harvey sat up and got off of him.

"Can you just wait outside?" Harvey asked quietly. Jasper nodded and disappeared in a blur.

"Harvey are you in there?" Bella asked.

"Yeah, come in," Harvey replied, quickly pulling on his shirt. A few seconds later Bella walked through the door, an unrecognizable expression on her face. 

"What's up Bella?" He asked, immediately knowing something was wrong. 

"Haven't you noticed that the Cullen's are a little...strange?" She asked, chewing her lip.

"Uh yeah why?" He asked getting a little defensive. 

"They don't seem human," she said, fiddling with her fingers. Harvey laughed, he couldn't help it. Something was amusing about how she seemed so nervous to tell him this. 

"What's so funny?" She asked, mildly concerned.

"Why are you so nervous?" Harvey asked, reining himself in. 

"Because I don't want you to yell at me for dissing your friends," she muttered. Harvey winced. 

"I'm sorry, I can get protective sometimes and I have a short fuse. I'm trying to work on it," Harvey said, feeling guilty.

"It's fine, but back on topic. Do you know anything about them?" She asked.

"Sorry Bella, but you're gonna have to figure this out on your own," he said sighing. 

"Ok, try and get some sleep. Goodnight."

"Night," Harvey replied, watching her as she left. As soon as she closed the door Harvey felt a gush of wind go through his room and cold arms wrap around his waist. 

"You are so impatient," Harvey muttered. 

"I like to think I'm very patient," Jasper responded. Harvey chuckled lightly. 

"Cowboy, you didn't even wait one second before you came back in the room, don't you think that's being impatient?" Harvey asked, turning to face the blonde. 

"Is it that bad that I missed you?" Jasper murmured. 

"You were gone for like, thirty seconds," Harvey chuckled, placing his head on Jasper's shoulder. Jasper pouted and quickly moved them back to the bed, stuffing his face in Harvey's curly hair. Harvey relaxed into him and smiled. 

He felt himself start to get drowsy and battled to stay awake, Jasper's power was not helping.

"Go to sleep darlin'. If you start having a bad dream I'll wake you up," Jasper ordered. Harvey caved and muttered 'fine' before he fell asleep.

Fever burn (JASPER HALE X MALE OC)Where stories live. Discover now