3- On a mission

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You turned around to see the man you'd been searching for.
"Red haired Shanks" you said as you looked at him and glanced at his missing arm.
"So what's a cutie like you doing trying to find a man like me?" He asked with a smile.
"Let me meet your crew and then I'll explain everything." You said. Shanks agreed and took you back to their ship.
"So you're the girl who's been beating all our buddies up." Yassop said.
"Hey are you Yassop? Oh shit I think I beat up your kid too.." you said and scratched the back of your head. 
"Huh?" He asked before you changed the subject.
"Now that I have you all here I need to thank you."
They all looked around.
"What for?" Benn asked.
"Well you saved my little brother. My name is
Y/n and I'm from the Goa kingdom."
"You're talking about Luffy! I didn't think that kid had a sister! This is a call for celebration!" Shanks said.
You partied with them for a while. You told shanks all about growing up with Luffy. You and shanks spent hours exchanging stories about Luffy.
"So how's Makino?" He drunkenly asked.
"Last I saw her she was doing great, she always talks about you." You replied.
Shanks laughed and blushed.
A few hours passed..
"Well thank you for the party, it was lovely to meet you all." You said
"So where are you headed?" Shanks asked.
"I have someone else I have to find now." You said and clutched the old letter from Ace.
"Say how about you sail with us for a while? We can help you find whoever you're looking for." Shanks said.
"Really? Just so we're clear I'm not a girly girl so if you ask me to cook or clean you'll be out of luck." You said.
"OKay but you'll have to help out some other way." He replied.
"I can hunt and fight better than any girl you've ever met."
"Alright welcome to the crew y/n"
"I won't be a part of it for long but I'll give you my all." You said.

Months went by as you sailed with the red hair pirates. You partied and drank more than you had in your whole life but it sure was fun. You gained notoriety quickly as the only girl in the crew. Your bounty shot up to a whopping 200 million in less than a year. On an adventure with your new crew you found a devil fruit on a deserted island. Shanks warned you about the downsides,
"You know if you eat it you'll never be able to swim again." He said.
"I grew up with Luffy remember, besides I was never a big fan of swimming." You said before you bit into the fruit. The affects of your fruit gained you the title, y/n the she-devil.

You've been searching for Ace for a long time, you seemed to be on his heels for months just barely missing him. Until he joined the white beard pirates. You were shocked to say the least. Ace had always wanted to be a captain. 
"Y/n we can't chase Ace any longer. Now that he's a part of white beards crew it could cause a lot of trouble." Shanks told you.
"Shanks I've had so much fun with you guys this past year but I haven't forgotten the promises I've made." You said with determination.
"You'll always have a place here, and if you need anything we will be here to back you up. Take my vivre card." He handed you the scrap of paper. You thanked shanks and the crew. They set you up with a small sailboat and you left.

It was much harder to get information and follow Ace on your own but you still had the power of your reputation which helped you immensely.

You approached the massive ship The Moby Dick. You were ushered on board at gunpoint.
"What's one of Red hairs lackeys doing on my ship?"
"My name is Y/n and I'm looking for Ace."
"What business do you have with my son?"
"He's an old friend, we go way back."
"Wait you're that y/n?" Marco asked
"Oh so he's talked about me?" You said with a smirk.
"We never realized that the she-devil and Ace's childhood crush were the same person." Marco replied.
"Well miss I'm sorry to tell you but Ace isn't here." White beard explained that Ace had been recruiting pirates and probably wouldn't be back for a few days.
"You are welcome to stay here and have some fun until he gets back." Teach said.
"Back off teach she's Aces girl not yours." Thatch told him. Teach glared at thatch but you paid it no mind.
"You can stay in Aces room and if you need anything just ask." Thatch said.
"Are you sure you don't mind? I'm actually exhausted." You said.
"Stay as long as you'd like my dear, any friend of Ace is a friend of ours" white beard said.
Marco showed you to Aces room and left.

'Wow it's so clean! There's no way this room belongs to Ace.. But look there's a picture of us! And here's the stupid beads he stole from Dadaan!'  You thought. You laid down on the bed, it smelled like Ace except more ashy. You quickly fell asleep.

You woke up to a voice. Deeper version of the one you remembered.
"I've got to be dreaming." He said as he dropped his bag on the floor. "You're really here?" He asked.
"ACE!" You jumped up and tackled him in a hug.
"I've been looking for you forever! *smack* you jerk! You've been avoiding me haven't you!" You said and hit him upside the head, still sitting on his lap.
"HEY!" He said and rubbed his head. You pouted.
"You've really been looking for me?" He asked.
"Yes dummy! I said I'd come find you!"
"So it really was you. The She-devil." He said as he looked at you. Your appearance had changed a lot since he last saw you. You were a cup size bigger, your curves were much more defined, your hair was long and you had a large scar on your neck.
"I can't believe you joined Shanks' crew"
"I can't believe you joined whitebeards!"
"He saved me.. and he's the only person I've ever seen as my father." He said with warmth in his eyes.
"You know I only joined shanks cause he said he'd help me find you.." you looked at him and smiled.
"It's been over a year what were you doing this whole time?"
"Looking for your dumbass! I was hot on your trail the whole time but you kept escaping me!"

"Oh hahaha I didn't think you'd want to see me so bad.." he said looking slightly ashamed.

"Of course I wanted to see you! I didn't even get to hug you goodbye when you left.."

"That day... I waited for a while but I thought you hated me after.. after I kissed you."

"I was just confused Ace, I could never hate you."
You said before hugging him again. He hugged you back tightly.

"So you're not mad?" He asked. You looked into his eyes, he stared at you with worry. You smiled slightly before you leaned in and kissed his lips softly. He almost pulled away in shock but soon he gently kissed back. Things quickly started heating up. He pulled you closer until you were straddling him. You lightly bit his lower lip and he parted his lips, giving you the perfect opportunity to take control. Your tongue battled for dominance with his but ultimately he won and explored every inch of your mouth. You started taking his shirt off then suddenly he broke the kiss.
"What? What's wrong?" You asked desperately.

"We can't do this.. not yet.. I don't want to rush things with you.." he said and lifted you off of him.

"I don't understand Ace.. I've been waiting for this for over two years.." you said.

"You mean the world to me Y/n so I can't rush things, I can't risk ruining our friendship just because I'm horny" he said with a blush on his face.

"You're right. But can we cuddle?" You said as you sat down on the bed. Ace jumped into the bed and stretched his arms out motioning for you. You laid down and cuddled into his chest.
He wrapped his arms around you and before you knew it you were asleep.

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