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"Thank goodness you're friends, I feared you were one of the gifters with those wings." The old man said.

"Old man, this is Y/n. She's my wife." Luffy said matter of factly.

You stared at him wide eyed.
"Wife?! Luffy we aren't married!" You said.

"Really? We love each other and we want to be together forever so why aren't we married?" Luffy asked.

"Luffytaro you have to propose with a ring and have a wedding ceremony to be married." Raizo said after coming out of nowhere.

Everyone jumped at the sight of Raizo.

Luffy insisted that he stay and keep training especially after learning that everyone was alright.
As much as you knew you needed to focus on training and putting the plan into motion you couldn't take your mind off the fact that Luffy thought that you were married...

To be honest the thought had never crossed your mind, although you had become closer to Luffy than anyone in the world and you didn't think you could be closer to a person... the only person you'd ever imagined marrying was Ace.

You had to get out of there and clear your head.

"Luffy I believe in you, I know you can master this. I need to go now. I'll be there when the fight starts I promise." You said and hugged him then you flew away.

You had put Ace out of your mind after you had started having feelings Luffy. It's almost like you blocked him from your memory because if you really let yourself think about it you felt guilty for being with Luffy, like you had betrayed Ace. You were almost ashamed that you had moved on with Luffy. I mean he was Ace's little brother.

You flew around the entire country only stopping to take a nap here and there. You had let all of that guilt and emotion in and you couldn't stop feeling like you had betrayed both Ace and Luffy for everything. You ended up wandering aimlessly around the winter part of the island.

You found the cemetery and paid your respects. You found food on the ground near by and smelled a fire. You slowly looked into the small building to see Zoro sprawled out half naked asleep with a beautiful woman cuddled up on him and a small child on the other side.

You were shocked but honestly the two actually looked cute together. This only got you back into your head though.
You flew up and sat on the roof of a connected building thinking about what you wanted and how you felt.

' I am actually scum. I mean how could I do this to Ace! We were supposed to married and living out our own adventures by now! He was the one I always saw myself with. How could I betray his legacy like this?? And Luffy! How could I start a relationship with him after being with Ace, how could I be thinking these things when I've been with him for so long now?! It's so unfair for me to be having these feelings now! Luffy is so wonderful and loving and he deserves better than me! Ugh!'

You were snapped out of your thoughts for the time being by the familiar sound of Brooks scream and Zoro shouting.
You hopped down and approached the commotion. 

" Y/n?!" They both exclaimed in unison.

"Hey guys." You said.
They both looked at you waiting for an explanation of where you came from.

"Oh see I was a surveying and saw the food so I decided to snatch some when I saw a glimpse of you and that woman but you guys looked peaceful so I decided to wait until you were up before I make sure you're alright and still ready for the plan." You said.

Zoro denied having any relations with the girl then you informed them of the situation and confirmed the plan and left. You couldn't stand to be around the crew right now.

You flew all the way across the island into the forest where you ran into a small girl.

"Aaaa are you a part of kaidos army?!" She screamed after watching you land.

"Ummm no.. I'm a..." you muttered as you thought up a lie.

"WAIT?!? ARE YOU HER? ARE YOU Y/N??!!" She asked all excited.

"Um how do you know who I am?"  You were caught off guard.

"Bro bro Ace! He showed me your picture! You are Y/n!" She screamed before hugging your leg.

"Wait hold on how did you know Ace?" You asked as you tried to pry her off of you.

She looked at you all teary.
"He saved me and my village from starving. He promised he'd come back for me after he finished his mission... he told me all about you. He said he loved you but he didn't think he'd ever see you again. That he had messed up so bad that you probably hated him." She said.

That was it. You were a mess.

"Wait so were you not mad at him?" She asked.

"I was for a while but then I just wanted him to come home. I loved him very much. I was just too late to save him. I was too late to help either of them." You said.

"Do you mean Luffy? What did he need help with?" She said.

You explained everything but in less graphic terms.

She was crying now.

"So big bro Luffy tried to save Ace but almost died too? And Ace saved big bro Luffy instead! I was so mean to him! And he didn't say a thing!" She cried.

After calming her down she talked more about Ace.
"He said he just wanted you to be happy even if it wasn't with him." She said.

After a long conversation with Tama you guided her back to her master then said goodbye for now.
You needed to train. You'd been slacking while Luffy was working so hard. You needed to focus on something other than your love life for a while. You went into the farthest region where you knew none of your crew would be and you trained. You used all of your abilities, with all of your emotions behind them.

You were training for nearly a week. You had seemed to unlock something within yourself, whether it was acceptance or realization or a part of your devil fruit you didn't know but you felt like you'd become more powerful..

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 26 ⏰

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