Chapter 4

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It's been more than a week after the incident at dinner, and although the Avengers aren't the nicest to him, at least they're trying. Clint hasn't tried to kill him in the last few days, so there's improvement. Loki walked past the common area, completely enveloped in his book. He was more than halfway done with the second book by now and was astonished by this literature masterpiece.

As he walked by the living room Tony called him. "Hey Reindeer Games, you should watch a movie with us!" He said leaning over the back of the couch. "As much as I appreciate the forced invitation, I'd rather read this book. It's very enticing and more entertaining than watching a movie with you all," Loki said truthfully. He hadn't even realized what he had said because he was so wound up within the book.

"Excuse me I'm way more fun than a book," Tony argued. Loki shook his head, "Not this one." Tony's jaw dropped. "I am so!"

"Brother do join us! You've locked yourself up in your room for days now, surely you'd like to spend time with us," Thor said. Loki shook his head as he walked past. Thor got up and walked over to him. When Loki didn't react, he hoisted him onto his shoulders and set him down on the couch, the god of mischief not once batting an eye. The others were quite amused by this.

"Is he deliberately ignoring us or is he that involved in his book?" Clint asked. "It is hard to tell with Loki, you never know for sure. He usually is just very interested in the book, but I could be wrong. "Hey Reindeer Games, we're all gonna watch a movie, any suggestions?" Nothing. That's when Natasha decided to take the book away.

"Excuse me, I was reading that!" he exclaimed. "We could tell," Bruce said. "The why did you take it away?" he asked irritably while trying to reach for his book, but Natasha kept him at bay.

"Because we're all gonna watch a movie together and we need suggestions!" "Well you're certainly not getting help from me because I know of no movies to watch and give me my book back!" He tried knocking the book from her hands but failed.

"No, you're just going to go back to you're room and exclude yourself from life," she said. "I was in the middle of reading a sentence! Can't I just finish that one sentence?"

"Fine," Natasha said tossing the book at him. He flipped to his page and started reading once again. After about two minutes Tony said, "Damn that's one long ass sentence!" "I'm sorry did I say sentence? I meant chapter!" "Are you kidding me?" Natasha asked.Loki "shh"ed her before Thor yanked the book away and tossed it down the hall. Loki yelped and tried to run after it, but Thor pulled him back onto the couch.

"Great, now how am I supposed to know if they'll be found at the Graveyard? Or if they punish Risa for exploiting Proactive Citizenry? Or what the hell happened to Lev and Miracolona? Or-" Tony cut him off, "Or this, or that, or that or this, or yatta yatta yatta. Let's just pick a movie."

They settled on Pitch Perfect and soon they all were wrapped up in the movie. Loki had managed to forget about his book after whining about it and finally paid attention to the movie. It turned out the movie was pretty funny.

Loki wiped a tear from the corner of his eye after laughing too hard, "I haven't laughed like that in centuries!" he exclaimed, a few chuckles still leaving his lips. "If you think this movie's funny, wait until you see Bridesmaids!" Tony said.

"Are we going to watch that movie as well?" Loki asked. "I don't see why not, I mean, there's nothing better to do." Tony replied. After the movie finished, Tony started Bridesmaids. A few minutes into the movie, they all were laughing and having a good time.

Halfway through the movie Tony asked, "Is anyone else hungry? Who wants pizza?" Everyone said pizza's fine, and it was then that Loki realized he hadn't eaten yet. When was the last time he had eaten? He doesn't remember leaving his room to get food since Thursday night, and it was now Saturday evening.

"Shit I forgot you need that stuff to live," he mumbled to himself. "Pizza is very vital to survival," Tony agreed. "No, I mean food in general." Steve sat up straighter, "Wait, when was the last time you ate?" Loki shrugged, "Thursday night? I'm not really sure." Tony pointed at Loki, "See! In not the only one who locks myself away and forgets to eat!" Steve ignored him.

"Loki, that's bad. You need to eat," Steve said. Loki scoffed, "Truthfully, I haven't even been all that hungry." "Are you sick?" he asked. "I'm a god, I don't get sick." Thor looked at his brother skeptically, "Are you sure, because I can confine that statement as false." Loki rolled his eyes, "Let's just get the pizza.

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