Chapter 1 : DreamTale

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My story picks up at the moment Nightmare corrupted the tree.

As Nightmare was holding the apple in his hand, his gaze was fixated on Dream who was trying to calm the crowd of angry villagers. They pushed past Dream charging for Nightmare with the intention to kill him.

Nightmare looked at the black apple, something telling him to eat it "It will make you stronger !" it reapeated, as he was about to do it, he paused asking himself :

"Was it really the only solution ?"

In his hesitation, Nightmare didn't hear the monster sneaking behind him, until it was to late. The monster attacked him without a second thought, nocking him down to the ground, the monster's jaw warped around his arm, biting him hard. The guardian looked around and spotted the apple he had dropped, he kicked the monster off him and ran for the apple. As he was about to grab it, something swinged at him, sending him away.

Nightmare looked up in horror, the crowd was now standing around him, there heart craving nothing but his death. He tried to run but couldn't as the crowd started terring him to shreed, he screamed and pleaded but it fell on death ears. Nightmare felt every hit,  his face was being torn open as he screamed and his limbs were being torn to schreads.

Dream froze as Nightmare agonizing screams and plea for mercy resonated. He knew he would never be strong enough to help his brother against so many people. The tree caught Dream's eyes and with all his strengh, ran towards it, pushing away anyone trying to stop him.

"The villagers became violent only when all the apples were black, maybe I could reverse it !"

Dream reashed out with one hand, clenching the last golden apple in the other and closed his eyes hopping it would work.

It did. As quickly as the darkness came, it faded and the sun shined again. Dream opened his eyes to a beautiful new tree full of golden apples, stunning red leaf and a pure white wood. The villagers smiled and cheered as the violence was gone from there heart, Dream smiled with hope. He did it ! He ran towards his brother he would be safe and sound right ?

He was wrong.

Dream froze in terror as he saw Nightmare laying on the ground in a pool of his own blood. His wounds were deep and bleeding profusely, his clothes were thorned and socked with blood, his left eye seemed to be the only thing still visible on his face. Dream dropped to his knees, hot tears falling down his face, he picked up his brother and pleaded for him to wake up or give any sign of life. Nightmare didn't move, Dream cried and scream harder, desperatly pleading for his brother to wake up. The villagers gathered around the two guardians, guilt crawling on there back for causing so much pain to Dream.

 The villagers gathered around the two guardians, guilt crawling on there back for causing so much pain to Dream

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A small breath.

Dream looked at his brother, a glims of hope in his eyes. Nightmare was still alive, barely breathing but he could still be saved.

Dream got up, caring his brother in his arm and ran to the village Doctor, pleading for them to do something, eaten by guilt they accepted. Using magic, the Doctor attemted to save Nightmare, but he couldn't do much and wrapped him in bandages.

As Nightmare laid unconscious, Dream stayed by his side exhausted by the events. A villager entered holding the last black apple, the one Nightmare had droped durring the attack.

Villager : "Dream, could you turn this one into a golden one too ?"

Dream : "No." (It's the last black apple, if I turn it golden than... what would happend to my brother ?)

Villager : "But Dream-"

Dream : "Put the apple on the drawer and leave."

His tone was cold almost menacing, they put the apple down and left without another word.

Dream wished he could stay with Nightmare until he woke up but couldn't, he needed to guard the tree. More people came after hearing what had happend. However the guardian had changed, he constantly looked tired and didn't smile, he would spend his days at the tree and nights falling asleep beside his brother. It was the only thing Dream cared about, the gifts were meaningless to him, he only took the books for Nightmare to read when he woke up. Dream keeped up with this pace for so long he had stop counting the days.

A shiver ran through Nightmare as he regain consciousness, his body was aching, just breathing hurts. He couldn't open his eyes either, he felt a hand holdin his, he felt Dream's aura beside him but it felt different, much grimer than ususal but the positivity around him was much stronger contrasting with the energy of the black apple. 

"What happened ?" he wondered, before coughing violently because of the overwhelming positivity.

Dream woke up, his aura shining brighter than ever as he hugged his brother and showered him with love. Nightmare felt sicker with all that positivity and was restraining himaself to not caugh blood on his brother. 

When Dream finally let go, Nightmare managed to ask what happened, Dream's aura became grimmer as he recounted the events. Nightmare stayed silent as the memory's came back, overwhelming him, he started to sob in pure fear, Dream hugged him letting him cry in his shoulder asuring him everything would be ok. Nightmare knew it wouldn't be, he didn't have any faith in the villagers. They never stop before so why would they now ?

With the low negativity and overwhelming positivity how was he suppose to heal ?

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