Chapter 9 : I missed you

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Nightmare walked to the living room, Horror was already awake making breakfast, an half-asleep Dust on the table, as for Killer he buried his head in one of the couch pillow.

"Good morning." Nightmare greeted with his usual politness, "Morning boss." Horror greeted back, "Hey..." Dust said with tiredness, "Howdy !" Killer yelled from the couch, causing Dust to glared at him witch he ignored. "Where's criss Cross ?"

Nightmare : "Let him sleep, he finished his mission late in the night." Nightmare looked at his phone, his face got suddenly more serious and the others didn't like that one bit. "I have to deal with something. Don't kill each-other or destroy the place." Horror chuckled "I will make sure they don't." "HEY !" Dust and Killer said in unison, Nightmare let out a small chuckle and left.

Cross woke up, he stretched making his bones pop "That mission was a pain in every bones I have." His arm still hurt from the mission, Nightmare had bandadge it really well and the painkiller helped him sleep well. He went downstairs and saw a plate of pancakes ready for him to eat.

Killer : "How was your night criss Cross ?"

Cross : "Killer I told you to not call me that."

Killer : "Awww, someone's grumpy~" Horror physically yanked Killer away from Cross,

Horror : "Don't start a fight, will you ?" Killer pounded as Cross sat down and started eating.

Cross : "Wow, Horror did you make it ?"

Horror : "Yep, I like cooking when I have free time. I hope it's good ?"

Cross : "You're kidding ?! There the best pancakes I've ever eaten !"

"Thanks..." Horror blushed, he wasn't used to compliment. Cross munched on his pancakes and noticed the others talking in some weird satanic round at the table.

Cross : "Guys, what's going on ?"

Dust : "The boss is gone, so we're trying to understand what's going on with the goo thing."

Cross : "It's not normal ?"

Dust : "Nope. I was the first here and I never saw it."

Horror : "I was the second and it was only his mouth and eyes, very minimal."

Killer : "With me it was like a fountain."

Cross : "Same on that one dude." a small silent ensued until Horror broke it

Horror : "It only happens when he's really mad... hmmm... that's weird considering he's the guardian of negativity."

Cross almost chocked on his pancakes "What ?! He's the guardian of negativity !!!" the definatly cought them of guard.

Dust : "Yes ?"

Cross : "That's literally impossible. The guardian of negativity is dead !"

Horror : "Woah ! Woah ! Slow down. What are you talking about ?!"

Cross : "You know how... I was stuck in my white void of a world with visits from... Ink ?" they nooded "Well, he knows that guy called Dream, who's the guardian of positive emotions." they were clinging to every words, "Apparently he use to have a twin brother who fell in a crevasse 500 years ago. And he was the guardian of negative emotions." 

"WHAT ?!" they screamed in unison. "Why didn't you tell us ?! Did you ask the boss if it was true ?!" Killer and Dust rapidly questioned "Both of you shut up and let Cross talk !" Horror growled, they didn't consider him Nightmare second for no reason even if there is no title.

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