'where is he?'

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{No ones POV}

SMG4 was sitting in his room watching a meme when all of a sudden BANG his door came crashing open, "SMG4!!! HELP!!!!" Mario screamed as he got dragged out the room "MARIO!? WHAT THE HELL!?" SMG4 yelled back. Mario didn't answer he just continued screaming as he got taken away "HOLD ON BRO!" SMG4 yelled picking up his keyboard and holding it like a bat. SMG4 ran out the room panicked looking around "...god dammit, this better not be a prank" He mumbled. He then felt a hand grab his shoulder, he slowly turned around and saw a metallic looking Morshu (Morshu is the picture at the top). SMG4 shivered as Morshu picked up Mario and a noose. "AHHHHHH" SMG4 screamed. SMG4 picked up his keyboard and smacked Morshu on the head with it, Morshu dropped Mario then.. "RUNNNNNN!!!" Mario screamed already running off SMG4 then followed after him. The Morshu soon began to chase after them both, spitting bombs at them.

One of the bombs blew up right behind them causing them to fly out the door to the garden. The Morshu came rushing out looking around for them. Mario rushed at it and grabbed it's foot "Death. You want it? It's yours my friend" The Morshu said looking down at Mario "NOW SMG4!" Mario shouted. SMG4 jumped up in the sky holding a Boo, He then caught the Morshu with the boo, The boo looked around confused on what happened. "Ok. SMG4, why is this dead meme trying to hang Mario?!" Mario said looking at SMG4 like he knew "...SMG4?" "say cheese" SMG4 pulled out his phone taking a picture of him next to the Morshu/Boo and turning  it into a meme "hehe funny meme" SMG4 mumbled to himself. Mario and SMG4 heard a weird sound and looked to their left and saw a portal open up. "Oh boy, another portal" Mario exclaimed. Two Uganda knuckles walked through the portal wearing worker hats. They looked at each other and started talking another language, one looked around until he saw Mario. "There's the dead meme" it said pointing at Mario "uhh SMG4 can you PLEASE explain what's happening!?" He said while being carried away by the two Uganda knuckles "oh, this is going to be one of THOSE days isn't it" SMG4 groaned. SMG4 then followed the Uganda knuckles through the portal.

SMG4 fell out of the sky and through a roof. He stood up and looked around, that's when he realised where he was "oh no... Oh no oh no oh no... I'm back here..." That's when all the memories of this place came back "ITS THE INTERNET GRAVEYARD SMG4!!!" Mario shouted from behind him. SMG4 turned around and Mario waved (here's where I make the rest up oh boy) "glad to see nothing has changed" Mario said. "Time for me to shove this up your 🤬😐🤬" (yeah the swearing is all emojied out) "AHH" Mario screamed and swapped himself with a dead looking crash Bandicoot. Then SMG4 and Mario left the 'hospital' and went outside looking around the moment they get out there (now to FULL ON be by myself :'] ). Nothing was different, everything was still the same as when they were there the first time.

{SMG4's POV}

'I wonder if 3's still here somewhere' I thought to myself 'i know he got sent here' I was just reassuring myself I tend to worry that he got hurt while being here so I just... Try to tell myself that he's ok. I look at Mario, He seems... Distracted? "Hey Mario? You ok?" I asked worried about my friend "hm, oh of course!" He seemed worried but I shrugged it off. We walked for a while looking around until an EXTREMELY old meme came up to us, it drop a piece of paper at my feet and left. I picked up the piece of paper and read through it, "so by what this paper says SMG3 should have been here from the start!" I exclaimed "so then where is he?" Mario asked looking at me "I... I don't know" I answered "well that doesn't help" He said walking off "well did you expect me to know, I DONT LIVE HERE!" I shouted the last bit because he had walked off. 'what ever I'll find SMG3 myself 🙄' I thought.

{3 hours later}

{Still SMG4's POV}

Mario had gave up searching and was now just following me and bugging me to go home "we're not leaving till we find SMG3!" I accidentally yelled "WE HAVE A CORRUPTED DEAD MEME BACK AT HOME TO FIX WE HAVE TO GO!" Mario shouted. He was right we still needed to get home and get rid of the dead meme but if I didn't find SMG3 today I'm going to have this sick feeling that he's missing or worse... No. I can't think like that there's no way he would be dead! Right?.

{Mario POV}

"SMG4?" I kept saying and waving my hand Infront of his face, tears started to show up in the corner of his eyes. "SMG4 listen...." I mumbled, SMG4 looked at me the tears being more visible than before "I may not be the smartest person but I can tell you this SMG3 is most probably not dead" I said trying to calm him down. Sure I'm stupid but I still don't like seeing Glitchy cry "I heard the 'most probably' you know" He mumbled "come on let's go home and deal with that corrupted meme" He mumbled. He turned around and started to walk back to the portal room he found earlier (only Meme guardians and their avatars can get in the portal room).

{Once they get back (sorry I'm lazy and tired)}

{SMG4's POV}

We got back and I made a bunch of memes about Morshu to get rid of him, like always I had to save the day 'SMG3 is dead...' was the only thing repeating in my head. I went back in the castle and back to my room and laid down. A few minutes later I heard knocking at my door "who is it!?" I shouted out "it'sa me Mario" I heard through the door "ugh, fine come in". My door opened and in came the spaghetti loving fat Italian. "What do you want Mario?" I asked not wanting anything to do with anyone "I'm here to check on you" He mumbled "well I'm fine so go away" I answered 'that was a little more harsh than what I had meant to say' I thought to myself "no your not" Mario said clearly worried about me "we'll talk tomorrow ok? Just... Try and rest" Mario said trying to seem smart "ugh jeez alright dad 🙄" I said lying down. Mario got up and left the room turning off the light. A few minutes I felt myself start to cry, I cried and cried until I fell asleep.


Mario's POV}

I left Glitchy's room after turning off the light. I might not be that smart but something's telling me SMG3's not... Here... Anymore. I shook it off and went home and fell asleep on the couch.


OH MY GOD FINALLY I'VE BEEN TYPING FOR HOURS so that's the end of this chapter I hope you enjoyed it 😊

Love you, Stay safe 💙💙

{1234 words}

Wrong move (SMG3 and SMG4 angst (: )Where stories live. Discover now