'trying to be productive'

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(If you would like you can count this as a filler chapter I guess or you know dont, your choice 🤷🏼‍♀️)


I laid in bed not wanting to get up and just wanting to cry myself to sleep again, sadly Mario wouldn't allow that "GLITCHY! COME ON I KNOW YOU'RE DEPPRESED BUT AT LEAST SHOW OUR FRIENDS YOUR ALIVE!!!" Mario shouted "they know I'm alive, it's fine" I mumbled. Mario stared at me for a little bit then turned to the door "fine but I'm telling everyone that your crying over SMG3" Mario smirked. I felt myself go bright red (he's embarrassed lol) "FINE YOU A**HOLE!!" I growled. He left me to get up, I stood up out of bed and walked over to pick up my cap. I grabbed it and left my room while putting it on.

The moment I got down the stairs everyone's attention turned to me... "Are you ok?" Tari hesitated "WhY tHe HeLl WoUlDn'T hE bE?" Bob stated. But then Mario punched him (after writing this I looked up and saw a video called "SMG4: Mario is cancelled.") "No one asked you Bob" Saiko rolled her eyes like normal. I shrugged and just stared at the ground waiting for something to happen.

"H- Hey SMG4, do you wanna come l- look at the mall with us later?" Tari stuttered "I guess" I mumbled and went and sat with Tari. I didnt really want to go, but Tari clearly wanted me to go and besides Mario was clearly going to force me to (we love when Mario actually acts like he cares about SMG4 :) ).

{a few minutes later}

I nearly fell asleep until... "SMG4! its time to go!" Tari cheered "okay lets go" I sighed "yay!" Tari smiled. I stood up and walked out of the castle, when I got outside the castle I saw Meggy, Saiko, Melony, Tari and... Mario? "Huh?" I mumbled "oh yeah Mario wanted to come along if that's ok" Tari smiled "eh" I sighed. We all began to walk towards the mall, while everyone talked and walked infront of me I stayed behind them being dead silent "SMG4 are you going to talk to someone?" Mario asked looking back at me. I just looked over at the bushes.

{Mario POV}

I stared at Glitchy as he stared at the bush still walking so he can keep up with us, you can clearly tell he's been crying... he looks horrible ok don't get me wrong I know he's been crying for like 2 days but... you know what... nevermind "SMG4 why do you look like you've been crying for days?" Saiko sighed. Me and Tari just looked at each other then back at SMG4 everyone had stopped walking just to look at SMG4 but all he did was stare at the ground, he looked like he was going to cry again. I felt bad but I couldn't do anything "okay! Let's go to the mall!" Tari chimed in "yeah!" I agreed.

{Once they got to the mall}


I stood and watched as Mario stared adoringly at spaghetti but the thoughts were still there: 'why him?' It pained me to keep thinking about him 'how can I forget about him I cared about him so much... I was just trying to stop him from hurting anyone else, I wasn't trying to kill him!' I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Mario shouting at me "SMG4, HEY! Are you ok?!" Mario yelled "yeah why" I mumbled "YOUR CRYING THATS WHY!" Mario yelled "I am?" I wiped my face and he wasn't wrong, I was crying "you didn't realise?" Tari asked 'when did she get there?' I thought, I once again fell deep into thought "SMG4?" Tari questioned "yeah?" I mumbled again "I feel like we should go home" Tari smiled slightly "agreed, I have to get back to my spaghetti!" Mario yelled running out of the mall. Me and Tari began to follow him out until someone ran into me "oops sorry!" They shouted, I knew who it was already "SMG4! Hey man" FM shouted happily "hey..." I mumbled "Are you ok? You seem really tired or like I don't know..." FM mumbled "thanks..." I said sarcastically "heh sorry man but you look horrible, what happened?" FM asked "SMG3..." I whispered just loud enough for him and Tari to hear, Tari looked at me instantly with a confused look on her face "oh sh*t, what happened?" FM was obviously concerned "I accidentally killed him when trying to send him to the internet graveyard" I mumbled trying not to breakdown "oh... does she... know?" FM asked pointing at Tari "...yeah" I mumbled again "well I'll let you guys go home" FM said walking off "bye..." I whispered "he knows?" Tari asked "yeah" I said walking towards the exit again.

{Once they got home}

{Still SMG4s POV}

The moment we got home I went and lied down in bed and fell asleep not wanting to be awake to think any more.

"It's your fault I'm dead" a voice said behind me. I turned around and there he stood, SMG3, he was basically covered in blood "it- it was an accident" I stuttered "yeah right you just hate me" he glared at me "I don't though..." I mumbled "if you care about me so much then find a way to being me back idiot" he smirked "and if you don't I'll just haunt you and make sure your never happy again also you have 2 days to do it in" "o-ok" I sat down waiting for him to leave. After he left I hid my face in my knees and began to cry, until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and SMG3 was standing there now "ignore him, he's just apart of your nightmare" SMG3 mumbled, except it was more clear this time "what? but your the same person...?" I mumbled. He sighed and sat down infront of me "we're not the same person that guy who told you that, was a version of me YOU made up, me on the other hand is actually SMG3" He smiled "ok but how are you here? And why are you being so nice?" I questioned. He went red at the last question "well I'm here spiritually so that means I managed to appear in your dreams so I can communicate with you and the last question, your not going to like the answer for..." He smirked "it can't be that bad..." I smiled "... I've been following you around since I died, meaning I know about your crush on me" He stared at me while smiling. I felt myself go bright red, I had so much i wanted to say but nothing would come out. "you ok- your about to wake up" he said looking up "oh..." I mumbled "hey I'll see you tomorrow night, m'kay?" He smiled "ok!" I smiled.

I sat up in my bed and looked over at my clock, it was only 2 am, so I sat up up and watched memes until 6.

I'm  so sorry this took so long I have had no motivation and also have had school so yeah.

Love you, take care 💙

(1219 words)

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