'Well Shit'

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{SMG4's POV}

I was still in my thoughts about SMG3, I wanted to be with him badly. I also wanted to go back to sleep, but Mario kept talking to me and doing stupid shit. I sighed as I watched Mario trying and find a certain button, he's really dumb so knowing him, this will take a while. It felt weird to be on a UFO, flying around, in SPACE. But I'm willing to so anything if it means fixing what I've done. I miss SMG3, more than I miss anything, I want him back and I want to be with him, to be able to kiss him, and hug him, and- Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by Mario.

"SMG4, you fucking tomato looking ass! Stop thinking about your gay ass boyfriend and come help me asshole!" He yelled while standing on top of all the buttons. I groaned and stood up, walking  over to help him.

"What are you looking for?" I asked, looking along all the buttons, it was complicated, sure, but I was started to get the hang of it. I think.

"The one that gives me spaghetti!" He responded with no hesitation.

I swear, if he wasn't helping me right now, I would've strangled him.

"Goddammit Mario! I doubt there is a button for that!" I shouted as I leaned on the panel thing. I then accidentally pressed a button that seem to have made spaghetti appear "What the fuck?!"

I didn't understand and I still don't, why the hell would they need this kind of button? I groaned and shook it off, deciding not to waste anymore time thinking about it. In the corner of my eye I saw a flashing light, I raised an eyebrow and looked over at the light.

"Uh... Mario? What's this light mean?" I asked, expecting an answer, but knew he probably wasn't going to be correct about it.

Mario stood up with his spaghetti and walked over. Standing next to me and staring at the light.

"Oooo... that doesn't look good" he responded, it wasn't want I asked but he was correct about that part, I was just waiting for the stupidity to kick in "What if it means they're out of spaghetti?!"

There it was, the stupidity, I sigh and watch as Mario runs around screaming. I look at the button then out the window, now it's my turn to scream. We were crashing into an entirely different planet, this isn't where we wanted to be and this isn't earth.

"Mario! We're fucking crashing! Do something!" I yelled in a panic.

Mario seems to realise that's what the lights about then sighs in relief. And walks over, but takes fucking forever. He then proceeds to just stare at the buttons, looking like a moron. He presses one button and there we go, straight into the planet.

{3rd person POV}

The UFO crashed into the planet, after a few minutes SMG4 and Mario manage to crawl out of the UFO, SMG4 stand up and begins pacing back and forth, rambling to himself.

"Shit. Shit. Shit! Fuck, this has gone wrong.. I-I don't know what to do, I just! Uh.. crap, fuck... um, oh no..." SMG4 was clearly panicking as tears began to form in his eyes.

Mario watched from afar, unsure of what to do but felt bad, especially considering this was kind of his fault for not putting auto-pilot on and for pressing random buttons. Mario stood up and stared at SMG4.

"SMG4, I'm gonna go look for people to help us! Stay here!" Mario then runs off, leaving SMG4 alone.

SMG4 sits against the UFO, with his knees to his chest and his head on his knees, he began to cry regardless of trying so hard not to.

{SMG4's POV}

I sat there, crying like a little bitch instead of helping. I hated this, I hated that no one helped us get there, I hated that me and Mario are this stupid, I hated all of this, I hated that SMG3 was dead. I just want him back, that's all I want, is SMG3 to be alive and well, even if we don't get together, I just want him to be alive.

"SMG4... please calm down, it's alright you moron" I knew the voice, I didn't have to look up to know who was standing infront of me. Well, who's ghost was standing infront of me.

That's when it hit me, I'm not asleep, so how is he here? I look up quickly and I was right, a translucent SMG3 was stood infront of me, staring down at me.

"I'm sorry SMG3... I failed and I don't know what to do" I ramble as I begin to panic again.

"SMG4, you haven't failed, you and Mario have messed up a little but that doesn't mean you've failed, stand up, fix it, and keep your head up, you're smarter than this" he responds, as mean as he sounded it actually gave me a little bit of motivation, I nodded and stood up. I stared at him and smiled, to which he smiled back.

"Thank you.." I mumbled as he disappeared again, I then ran off to go help Mario find people and get help.


Realised I needed to update this more so here's this
Stay safe y'all💚

{898 words}

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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