Coffee on Strawberries

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My first story that I did with actual chapters- ty if you read it all the way through ^^ new chapter every day.


"Thank you!" I said, as I took my Iced coffee from the counter and left the coffee shop. I was walking through the mall, sipping at my coffee, while scrolling through Instagram on my phone.

I would like a post that I saw about a music band I like. As I was walking and looking down at my phone, I accidentally bumped into somebody causing my coffee to spill all over my new light pink dress with a ruffled top that had little strawberries on it.

"Oh, god I'm so sorry!" The tall, pale, caramel haired boy apologized, as he tried to find something to clean my dress.

"No, no it's fine! Really, it was my fault." I answered.

"No, I wasn't looking where I was going, let me make it up to you." He insisted as our eyes met.

"Are you sure? I don't want to bother you." I replied.

"Yes, I'm sure." He said, taking off his jacket and putting it around me to cover the coffee stain.

I sat at a table in the food court, waiting for him to bring me my coffee. He told me to wait at the table because part of the coffee stain was still visible.

"Here you go." He said, putting the iced coffee down onto the table as he sat down with another for him.

"Thanks." I smiled.

"So, what's your name? He said, opening a sugar packet and pouring it into his coffee.

"Y/n, you?"

"Sunghoon." He replied.

"Sunghoon?" I said, "I've heard that name somewhere before."

"Mh." He replied, drinking his coffee.

I crossed my legs and placed my dress before going to take a sip of my coffee and looking back up at him. "So,-"

"So," Sunghoon and I both said, cutting each other off.

"You go first." I said.

"What school do you go to?" he asked.

"Oh, I go to-"

"Wait!" He interrupted. "Aren't you in my science class?" He asked.

"In b-205?" I asked.

"Yeah! You sit in the first row right? I'm in the back." He said with a smile.

"Oh, yeah! We are in the same class." I said.

I was kind of confused, I didn't think we went to the same school. This is so embarrassing! Now he's going to go tell his little group of popular friends about what happened and they are going to make fun of me about it.

"What did you want to say?" He asked me.

"Oh, nothing. I was going to ask the same thing." I giggled.

"Really?" Sunghoon said, raising an eyebrow and laughing as well.

We exchanged our numbers when we finally finished our coffee and went our own ways. He insisted on paying me for my dress that got ruined from the coffee, so after he left I went looking around for the shop that I had bought my dress at to get another.

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