Don't Read This

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Saturday, December 4th
Dear diary,
it's Y/n again. I've been thinking about Sunghoon a lot lately. More than I should actually. We always steal little glances from each other and he always pats my head. It makes me feel special when he does that! His smile is also so nice, it makes me happy when he's happy. Everything about him just fascinates me so much! I love listening to his cool stories from his childhood. I also love how he's always there for me! Aaah, he's too perfect.

Bye bye, I got to go now <3

Friday, December 10th

Dear diary,

Heyoo! I'm so happy! Today, Sunghoon and I presented our Science project and we got about 89%. My parents are finally proud of me! You know, no matter how much I study I still manage to get low marks except when it's a group project.

Today I also ate lunch with Sunghoons friends since Emma had to do a test during lunch, anyway they kept teasing us and calling me his girlfriend. He got so shy, it was really funny. He kept hiding his face in his hands and denying it.

Last weekend Sunghoon and I went ice skating with Hyunjin. Let me tell you something, I'm terrible at ice skating and he saw that so you know what he did? He made me hold onto him while we were skating. Omg you don't know how shy that made me feel-

Knock, knock, knock.

I jumped as I quickly closed my diary and set it aside.

"Who's there?" I loudly asked from my bedroom.

"It's Sunghoon!" He shouted from outside.

"Coming!" I yelled, jumping out of my bed and running downstairs before opening the door.

"Hey." He smiled.

I smiled back. "Come in." I said, moving to the side.

He stepped in, hiding something behind his back. "Where are your parents?" He asked.

"They went out." I responded.

"Oh, alright then."

"Yeah." I said as we awkwardly stood in the entrance of my house.

"I brought something for you," He started, pulling out the box from behind his back and handing it to me. "I got it for you while we were at the mall."

I gasped and opened up the box as my eyes widened. Inside was a beautiful, sparkling, silver necklace that had a delicate, baby blue crystal pendant.

"The necklace that I wanted!" I exclaimed as I hugged him tightly. "Thank you so much, Sunghoon! You're the best." I said, as I attempted to put it on.

"Here, let me just-" He said as he turned me around to put it on for me.

"Oh, thanks." I shyly said as I turned back around to face him.

"You're welcome." He said, flashing his smile at me.

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