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TW: Abusiveness (after the scene break)

I'd spin my lock a few times and unlock my locker, as usual. I looked at my schedule and saw that I had science class first period. I smiled at myself, knowing that Sunghoon was in my class. I slammed my locker door shut and started walking to class.

"Y/n!" Someone said, tapping my shoulder.

"Oh, hey Em." I said.

"How was your weekend?" My best friend, Emma said.

"Good." I said as I started explaining the incident at the mall.

"That's nice of him, paying you back for the dress."


I trailed behind, following her to her locker. The hallways were loud as always. People were throwing stuff around, running up and down the hallways, yelling, you get the point; just an average high school on Monday morning.

All the girls started squealing when Taehyung walked in. He was the school's heartthrob, everyone loved him. Emma and I didn't though. He's a jerk and a show off.

"Ew." Emma said, making fake gagging noises.

I laughed. "I know, right."

"I honestly don't know why anyone would be interested in him." She said, taking her math books out.

I rolled my eyes and did an exaggerated sigh. "No! He sits behind me in the class I have right now. He is so annoying, always trying to get my attention and talk to me."

She gave me a weird look, "Just ignore him."

"I try Em, I try." I said as the bell rang.

I placed my binder on my desk as I took a seat. I looked around but Sunghoon was nowhere to be seen.

"Looking for me?" Taehyung said with a smirk.

I glared at him. "No." I said, firmly as I turned back around to face the front.

"Whatever, stop playing hard to get. You know, a lot of girls want me. You should be considered lucky." He told me.

"Me? With you? Yeah, no." I said to him, "You always look down on everyone like you're the best in the world, plus I could never like someone as disgusting as you." I turned back around. The second bell rang, so I took out my pencil.

"What did you say to me?! You little-" He said, getting cut off by the teacher walking in and scolding him.

"Mr. Taehyung. Don't yell or disrespect your classmates. Understood?" The teacher told him, "I won't be afraid to tell your parents."

Sunghoon stood in the doorframe, "Sorry for being late, Sir, there was an issue with my locker." He said quickly, afraid of being scolded too.

"A locker issue, huh? Go to your seat and dont be late again or i'll start giving detentions." Mr. Kook replied.

Sunghoon walked to his seat as we exchanged eye contact. I looked away and opened my workbook.

"Class, put your workbooks away. There's something that I have to say."

We obeyed and waited for further instructions.

"So, as you know, we are in our chemistry unit, and we are learning about how chemical reactions in our bodies lead to certain emotions, correct?" He said.

"Mh." I said, quietly.

"So, I will be assigning a group project and you have to write about any of the following emotions on the board."

Eternal Dream ~ Sunghoon x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now