Bright Winter

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sry for the short chapterr

I'd wait with Emma for Sunghoon to arrive at the front of the mall. Huge crystalline snowflakes fell from the dull and lonely sky onto the cold pavement. It doesn't snow much here, but when it does it's beautiful. I heard boots crunching in the snow from the distance as I looked up to see Sunghoon walking towards us along with a friend of his.

"There you are," Emma said as icy white fog left her mouth. "We were freezing."

I hugged Sunghoon, "Hey! Whos that?" I questioned as I looked over to the amber eyed boy next to him.

"My friend. I forgot to ask if he could come, sorry about that." Sunghoon replied.

"Name's Hyunjin." His friend said.

"It's all good. Are you guys ready to do some Christmas shopping?" Emma squealed as we started walking in the mall.

"You look pretty today." Sunghoon quietly said to me as I smiled in reply.

I took off my earmuffs and wiped my cold, red nose as I stared at the bright Christmas decorations. A line up of kids were waiting with their parents to see Santa to get pictures taken and to say the gifts that they wanted. Hyunjin wandered off to a shop to get a gift while we waited for him.

"Is that Taehyung?" Sunghoon and Emma both said as he was walking towards us.

"Hey, beautiful." He said as he tucked my hair behind my ear.

"Don't call me that." I told him.

"Why not?" He smirked

"Leave her alone, dude." Emma said.

"Back off, don't touch her." Sunghoon said as he approached Taehyung and pushed him away from me.

"Chill, man. What are you? Her boyfriend?" Taehyung scoffed.

"Maybe I am. What are you going to do about it? Huh?" Sunghoon replied.

"I'm not." I said.

"Not yet." Sunghoon said under his breath.

"What?" I asked before Emma interrupted.

"Guys, stop," Emma started as she stood in between us. "Let's just go."

"Whatever." Sunghoon glared at Taehyung before walking away to go see Hyunjin.

"What was that about?" Hyunjin asked as he walked out the shop with a small bag.

"Nothing." Sunghoon quickly replied.

"Nothing? Taehyung tried to flirt with Y/n so Sunghoon got jealous and said she was his girlfriend." Emma said, smiling.

"I did not!" Sunghoon denied.

"You did." I told him.

"Ooo, looks like someone has a crush~!" Hyunjin teased as Sunghoon hid his smile.

"I do not!" Sunghoon said, hitting Hyunjin's shoulder in a playful way.

We continued to spend the night shopping early for Christmas gifts. We decided that we'd spend Christmas at Sunghoons house together. It may or may not have been because his mom is a good cook.

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