Formula of Love

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I woke up from the sound of my alarm, gasping for air. I slid out of bed and stared at my emotionless face in the mirror before sliding on a white turtleneck with brown wide legged trousers along with an argyle vest on top of my turtleneck, then dragged my feet across the floor into the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth, did my light autumn themed makeup, and straightened my hair before going down stairs and putting on my white platform shoes then getting my coat along with my tote bag, and leaving.

"When will you be here?" I said, reading Sunghoons text message out loud.

"In a few minutes." I replied back, sending a voice message.

I crushed the colored leaves on the pavement with my feet as I was walking. It was a cool, slightly windy day today with trees the color of fire and sunsets before a hot summer day.

I would walk up the concrete stairs of the split leveled brick house and knock on the door.

"Annyeonghaseyo!" The woman said as she swung the door open and bowed.

"That's how you say 'Hello' in Korean." Sunghoon said, coming down the stairs from behind. "Eomma, this is the girl I told you about."

"Oh, hello." I smiled.

I walked in and felt the cozy, warm feeling brush across my face as I took off my shoes and hung my coat on the rack.

"Do you want anything to eat?" His mother asked me.

"I'm fine." I said, turning around and seeing a plate of freshly baked apple pie with strawberries on the side.

"Here, take it." She said, gesturing the plate towards me.

"Oh, wait, this looks good. Thanks!" I said, grabbing the plate from her hands and looking at Sunghoon, who also had a slice of pie.

"My mom's a really good cook." He told me.

"I can tell." I replied.

We went up to Sunghoons room and I layed the project supplies onto the floor, on top of the poster board that Sunghoon had already bought as we sat down.

"So," he started, "What do we do first?"

"Research." I said, pulling my laptop out of my tote bag and opening it.

"Okay then, i'll outline where everything'll go on the poster."

"Cool." I said, tucking my hair behind my ears. "It keeps falling!" I shouted.

"What is?"

"My hair." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Oh that reminded me, you left your scrunchie at school the other day," He said, pulling it out of his backpack and handing it to me. "Here."

"I did? That's where it went. Thanks, Sunghoon." I grinned.

"No problem."

We sat in the middle of the room as we finished our apple pies. I could still taste the sweetness of the pie even after eating my strawberries. It was perfect, not too much sugar and not too little. I placed the plate next to me and continued to search and take down notes.

"Okay so, Dopamine + Oxytocin + Serotonin equals Love." I stated.

"Those are the chemicals that cause it?" He asked as he curiously stared at me.

"Mhm. Dopamine releases pleasure or something like that." I said, looking up to him.

"Oh okay. I was thinking that we could make sections about each chemical and explain them, if that makes sense." The older one said.

"That sounds good." I replied as we stared into each other's eyes.

He'd look away, shyly before picking his pencil back up and sketching the sections out.

I'd look away as well and kept researching while taking down notes.


"Supper's ready!" Sunghoons mom yelled from downstairs.

"We should go." He said, putting his pen down.

I put down my laptop and notebook before getting up and heading downstairs with Sunghoon. I could smell the delicious food from upstairs.

"Wow," I said, covering my mouth. "This is a full course meal."

"She always does this." He smiled, pulling out a chair for me next to him as he went to sit down.

I sat down next to him before going to try the food.

"What's this?" I asked, pointing to the bowl of red, spicy looking cabbage with my chopsticks.

"Kimchi," She said, "It's a very healthy and popular Korean dish." She smiled.

"It's spicy, so be careful." Sunghoon warned.

"No it's not!" His mom argued.

"It's okay, I like spicy food." I told them as I tried it.

"Do you like it?" Sunghoon asked me.

I nodded as I'd eat another mouth full. It was very spicy and salty. It was also crunchy like celery. Kimchi has to be one of my favorites now, it's delicious! I took a spoon of the rice in the bowl next to me with a sip of my water to wash it down.

We would talk about school and our project. Sunghoon also explained to his mother how we met as she smiled at me and teased him for liking me which made me quite embarrassed to be honest. This night felt perfect, I felt like I had a family, like I was loved. I hate to admit it but I am a little jealous of Sunghoons life. I wish I had a good, loving family too.

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