Submerged and Drowning

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Chapter 3-Submerged and Drowning


Niall’s point of view

We had been staying in the car for hours, just a butt load of traveling and I had been thrown to the back of the car with Ree and Lou. Somewhere along the way, Haribo’s head had rested against me, her cheek on my shoulder, absolutely asleep and unconscious. And just a few moments later, my head had eventually tilted to lean on the top of her head.

“We’re here!!!!” Louis loud voice rang, making me jump in my seat, shooting into consciousness. And because of my sudden movement, Haribo had been startled awake as well.

“What…,” she mutters groggily, rubbing at her eyes.

“We’ve arrived, love,” Lou says kindly beside her.

Louis was staying over at his parent’s house while the rest of us would stay at a lodge since he didn’t have enough space for the lot of us in his house.

The rest of the boys that sat up at front along with Paul and Preston begin to file out of the car and soon enough Lou, Haribo, and I got the chance.

“Oh God, my muscles are all stiff,” Ree says as soon as we step out of the car, stretching up her hands and going on her tip toes, making the edge of her shirt rise above her belly button.

“Ei Haribo,” I say, pulling her shirt down, feeling my cheeks slightly warm at the sight of her smooth skin.

“Thanks Kyle,” she replies, relaxing her stance and winking at me.

She then goes on to rummaging through her backpack and pulls out her phone, her brows furrowing in confusion just as Harry jumps over to my side, wrapping an arm around my neck.

“Heya Ree,” he says cheerily.

“What….the…fuck…,” she says, her eyes widening as she stares down at her iPhone.

“What happened?” I ask, trying to tug Harry off me but he kept his grip tight.

“HARRY WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!” Ree explodes on the curly boy, showing us the screen of her phone.

‘Harry Styles: On the road with the crew. We’ve got a cute new photographer @itsRee09 .x’

The picture showed Ree asleep, resting on my shoulder but the frame only showed her face, keeping me out of the know.

“You were adorable sleeping,” Harry laughs, loosening his grip around me.

“I’m gonna kill you,” she threatens in a low voice.

“Try me,” Harry teases and then she lunges forward for Harry but he jumps back, pushing me forward in the process as a way to block Ree making me clumsily take steps forward, crashing with the girl.

“Sorry,” I mumble, placing both my hands on her arms, creating space between our bodies.

Ree doesn’t seem to know I practically existed in front of her and went on to dash after Harry; the two proceed on to chasing each other around the area.

“They seem close,” Zayn comments, coming beside me.

“Sure do,” I reply, getting a funny feeling about it and unable to erase from my mind the feel of her body against mine. How close her face was, how her vanilla and sweet coffee scent wafted to me.

“Me first!” Louis yells as he cannon balls into the pool of the lodge.

“Louis try not to move too much so my shots of you don’t always end up blurry,” Ree tells him, standing by the pool side, pointing her camera at him and trying to steal a few shots. “I swear, 80% of them are blurry, even if I already have the highest shutter speed on. You’re like a fucking cheetah on drugs.”

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