Same Shit

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Chapter 4 - Same shit

**Niall's point of view**

I wake up with a terrible headache which, I figured, was from the hangover. I sit up on the bed, placing my aching head in between my knees.

"Ooh bad morning?" I hear the familiar voice say and I look up to find the blond girl standing over the door to the bathroom.

The night comes back to me slowly. Drunk off my mind at the pub, meeting the girl, going back to her hotel room.

"Terrible," I reply, grabbing the glass of water on the bedside table and chugging it down.

"I might have an idea that might make you feel better," she purrs, walking towards me in a sultry kind of way and it's only then I notice that she's wearing my shirt.

I smile timidly at her and my eyes drift past her to the clock on the wall. Almost 10:30.

"OH FUCK," I say, standing up too quickly and the world spins a little. I stable myself then proceed to grabbing my boxers off the floor, putting them on then my jeans.

"Leaving already?" She asks. I can't even remember her name. She has that light tone but I hear the edge on it

"I have to," I reply. And I do, really do. Paul would shoot me in the guts.

I take my phone out of the back pocket and ring Paul who answers on the first ring.

"You better have a reasonable excuse and you best not be half-dead," he says straight away. I didn't have a reasonable excuse. And I wasn't half-dead though my head felt like it.

"I'm sorry, I...lost track of time," I pathetically say.

"Where are you?"

I look up at the girl, about to ask but she's pacing the room, cursing in some European language I couldn't quite place.

"Uh....not too sure, really. I could grab a taxi. Just text me the address of where you lot are," I tell him and I hear Paul sigh and say okay.

"And Paul?"


"Bring me a change of clothes," I tell him.

"Niall Horan what in the bloody he-"

I hang up, my brain not being able to handle raised voices just yet and turn my attention back to the girl. I was about to speak but she interrupts me.

"Just go, I know I have no right to be mad but I am. You had your fun and I have to admit so did I. Just leave," she says dismissively with a wave of her hand. I'm about to point out she still has my shirt on but I let it go. I have plenty of other shirts. I grab my topman hoodie and zip it up to cover my bare chest. I give her an apologetic smile then dash out.

I hail a cab and show the driver the address Paul had sent me. I pass out on the way there so I don't really know how long it took but as I reached over the payment it doesn't seem that far off. We were at some cabin. I step out and open the door of the cabin, eyeing the parked van on the sidewalk which I already know, is ours.

As soon as I step in there's a round of different reactions but it grows quiet when Paul steps forward and hands me the change of clothes.

"Where were you, Niall boy?" Zayn asks lightly.

"You look fucked," Louis comments.

"That's because he probably is," Harry laughs and I spot Ree right beside him, she eyes me with a strange expression.

I smile at everyone and say nothing, sneaking off to the bathroom to change out of my clothes and wash my face and wet my hair a little. When I step out Ree is there, arms folded against her chest.

"What happened to your shirt? You weren't wearing it earlier," she says trying to sound nonchalantly but like the girl earlier, I could hear the edge. Was she jealous?

"I kind of lost it," I say and smile at her, completely amused.

"Well next time you plan on 'kind of losing your shirt' why don't you do it within eye shot so I can do my job right and actually take photos of you huh? Can't do my job without you around the perimeter now can I?" She lectures me and I'm almost taken aback on how she was reacting.

Before I can protest she turns and walks away. She was probably the most unpredictable girl I have ever met and it scared the shit out of me. Making me want to go out and get drunk all over again. Because in truth, unpredictability was the last thing I wanted. I hated a repetition of the past.


**Ellie's point of view**

The boys were shooting some video clip for the tour at the cabin and while they did that I proceeded to taking their photos. As much as I tried to absorb myself in my job it was difficult. What in the bloody hell was Niall doing? I hardly thought he was a guy that slept around with chicks randomly. And I don't know why but I felt disappointed. Thank goodness I escaped the marriage.

"Everything alright?" Harry asks, suddenly materializing beside me.

"Does he always do that?" I blurt out.

Harry smiles a little then gives a half shrug. "Eh...not really. Some things just throw him off."

"Some things?"


"Ironic. He just slept with one," I say, surprised by the bitterness in my tone.

"Something happened before. He was seeing this girl about a year back. He really liked her but she suddenly told him she was leaving and never coming back-to travel or some sort. He's a bit off with girls since. And another thing that happened before that, something about his grandparents or parents setting him up with someone but he got ditched. He doesn't speak of it much," Harry tells me and I perk up at the latter part. Was that about me?

"Anyway I shouldn't be telling you this, this is Niall's shit, he should be the one telling," Harry says with a chuckle and I smile at him.

"Okay then, tell me about your shit," I say.

Harry gives me an amused smile. "I don't have much shit on me, I'm a clean sheet of paper sad to disappoint you."

I cluck my tongue. "Damn it, and here I thought I could sell something to the tabloids for money."

Harry laughs. "Well I've told you Niall's you could sell that," he jokes.

"I probably could, I could be the mole of One Direction. Making you all trust me then sell your shit to the public-quite expensive shit you have," I joke back and Harry laughs harder, the dimple appearing.

"And you? Don't you have any shit of yourself?" He asks me and I shake my head.

"Not much to say."

"Oh come on, we don't even know your full name, there must be something tabloid worthy in your life," he prompts and I just smile.

"My life is shit-free," I lie. But then I wonder if it is really a lie. After all, I've dodged the shit, the marriage. So basically, yes, it is shit free. Little did Harry know or anyone really, that the same past Niall has is the same one I did.

He just seemed to be handling it differently.


HELLOOOO!!!!! Okay I know I haven't updated in literally A G E S . I'm sorry about that! I entered uni, studying film and my schedule is packed, like really packed. So I took a little hiatus. Didn't even think I'd update but I missed writing these stories and of course this had received so much love, I didn't want to disappoint readers forever.

I'll try to keep this on!

COMMENT, LIKE, FAN!!! Much appreciated :) love you lot!

-Arielle xx


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