~ Hot shower ~

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Once the group arrived at Ben's house, Elaine noticed a dark-haired woman walking from tree to tree as she approached Ben's front porch

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Once the group arrived at Ben's house, Elaine noticed a dark-haired woman walking from tree to tree as she approached Ben's front porch. The lady looked upset, sniffling as she stapled up posters. She had similar features to Patrick Hockstetter, one of the bullies in Henry Bower's gang.

Though, unlike Patrick's resting evil face, the women looked upset and worried. Once she left, Elaine quickly separated from the group, the rest making their way inside the house while Elaine quickly scurried across the street to peak at the poster. She rubbed her eyes as she read the page gulping.

A few days before, Patrick and Henry had been chasing Elaine down the school halls, not stopping till she managed to hide in her locker

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A few days before, Patrick and Henry had been chasing Elaine down the school halls, not stopping till she managed to hide in her locker. And now, he just disappeared off the face of the earth? Nothing made sense anymore. Elaine was worried when Georgie and the rest of the other kids disappeared, but this, this was Patrick Hockstetter.

And if this person, this thing, managed to get a hold of Patrick too, what else was it capable of? "Come on, Dolly!" Stanley yelled, confused on why Elaine was all the way across the street. "Everyone's waiting for you!" Elaine quickly shook away her thoughts, looking both ways before she made her way into the smaller house.

Ben entered his bedroom, quickly hiding a few things that weren't proven useful. Elaine followed behind the others, Richie and Eddie bickering about more nonsense in front of her. Entering the room, the duo went quiet as they observed all the different articles and new's paper cutouts plastered on Ben's walls.

No wonder the boy was so fond of History class, it could quite literally be held inside his bedroom. "Wow!" Richie exclaimed surprised as he continued to skim the walls. "Cool right?" Ben said, excited the boy was finally showing interest in something of his. Richie grinned, "No, no, nothing cool, there's nothing cool."

Elaine nudged Richie's side, giving him a stern look. She didn't understand why Richie was being so cruel to Ben. It's not like he'd done anything. "It's cool Ben." She defended, Richie rolling his eyes aggressively at the girl. He ignored her words, pointing at something on the wall, "Oh, this is cool, wait no it's not."

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