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Elaine watched as Richie stole a tuba from the local high school band

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Elaine watched as Richie stole a tuba from the local high school band. She covered her ears as the boy aggressively blew through the loud instrument. "Jesus." She muttered. He clearly did not have an ear for music. Behind her, the kids starred at Betty Ripsom's missing poster. They talked about what seemed to be usual lately. Missing kids.

"What the fuck dude!" Richie yelled, trying to pull the tuba away from it's owner. The boy eventually managed to pull the instrument away from Richie's reach. Elaine sighed, uncovering her ears. "Finally." Richie made his way back towards the group, Eddie squeezing in beside him, two vanilla ice cream cones in hand. He handed one to Richie, taking a bite from his own.

Who the hell bites ice cream? Richie licked his ice cream, approaching Elaine and using her head as an armrest. "Gee, I really wish I had ice cream right now." She pouted, eyeing Richie's cone. The boy pointed to Eddie as he devoured his cone, "Why didn't you tell, Eds?" Elaine shrugged in response.

"Edward! Why didn't you get Elaine any ice cream?!" Eddie shrunk then stood back tall. "She didn't ask!" Richie crossed his arms, "I'm going to need a better reason," The shorter boy rolled his eyes. "Why don't you just go get her one if it's so important?" Eddie sassed. "Because, I'm broke, I thought you knew this by now?" Stanley snorted, holding back a laugh.

Ignoring the situation beside them, Mike, Bill, Bev, and Ben stayed focused on the poster, making quiet chatter. Richie smirked, lifting his cone towards Elaine. "Here, Laine, you can have mine." Richie handed the girl his cone. "Thanks, Rich-" But before she could finish thanking him, Richie smeared the cold dessert all over her cheek.

"Are you kidding me?" Elaine groaned, wiping her cheek with her forearm. Stanley and Eddie broke out laughing, the rest of the kids not interested in their gimmicks. The ice cream only continued to spread on her cheek, the substance growing sticky. "Now, I must lick it up!" Elaine furrowed her eyebrows, Richie still grinning above her. "You... What?" She questioned.

Richie crouched to her eye level, "Y'know, 'cause i'm a gentleman, obviously." Still confused, Elaine was taken aback when Richie leant forward, beginning to kiss her face all over. Her eyes widened, ears growing hot. Watching the scene unfold, Stanley and Eddie laughed in unison, the duo hysterical.

Not knowing what to do, Elaine stood still, Richie plastering sloppy kisses against her cheeks. When he finally pulled away, a shiver ran down her back as she frantically searched for the right words. "I-I-" Richie wiped his face with the back of his hand, "Lainey, you've been spending way too much time with B-B-Bill lately." Bill flipped him off from a distance, not wanting to get involved.

"Let's do it again sometime, alright?" Her cheeks heated up, the two boys behind them cackling. Annoyed with all the laughing, Bill pursed his lips. "Will you l-leave her be?" Richie pushed up his glasses, a toothy grin displayed on his face. "Never." Bill groaned, losing his temper, "Did you guys even h-hear any of that?!" "Yeah, yeah, twenty-seven years; we get it." Richie mocked, Bill wanting to knock his teeth out.

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