~ Hallucinations ~

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Elaine awoke confused in Richie's room

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Elaine awoke confused in Richie's room. He let out a quiet snore, his arms still wrapped tightly around her waist. The girl smiled, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She stretched, Richie pulling her back toward himself. "Lainey, hold me." She laughed, groggily wrapping her arms back around him. "You're so needy,"

The two stayed there for a while, Richie beginning to snore again. "Rich, It's the Fourth of July, we need to go to the parade!" Richie whined, "Sleep." Elaine did her best to wiggle out of his grip, but this just made matters worse. "Rich, come on!" The boy now had his whole body wrapped around the girl's frame, his legs straddling her torso.

He smirked down at her, "I'm getting deja vu." Elaine was quick to push Richie off, sticking her tongue out at him. "You are disgusting, Richie." He responded sarcastically, "Always so kind to me, Lainey," The girl blew him a kiss in response. He pretended to catch it, burying himself in the covers.

Elaine searched his room for some clothes to wear, digging in his closet and dresser. Tiredly, Richie motioned to the pyjamas Elaine was wearing. "Why can't you just wear that?" He rasped. "Haha, very funny, Rich." She snarked, continuing her search for clothes. "What? You look cute in my clothes, babe," Richie stretched, reaching for his glasses.

Elaine blushed, ignoring him when she finally found a half-decent shirt. Sure it was a Bananarama, but at least it was pink. "I guess you could always... Strip naked if you don't find anything." Richie grinned, walking over to the shorter girl. Elaine flipped him off, "Yeah, 'cause you definitely want Mike, Bill, Eddie, Stan and Ben to see me naked?"

Looking down at Elaine, Richie's face went pink. "Well... N-No... Not exactly," Elaine only laughed at his expression. "Okay fuck you, I'm going to take a shower. Do not leave my room." The brunette nodded, knowing the boy's dad was now home. Richie climbed over the dresser placed against his door, tip toeing over to the bathroom to shower.

With Richie gone, Elaine changed into the large pink shirt she'd found and tied the bottom of it into a knot. That way, it looked more like a shirt and less like a dress. She slid on the overalls she had on previously, looking herself up and down in Richie's mirror. She tried to tame her frizzy hair, the humidity in Richie's house just making it worse.

Groaning, she eyed the small cut on her lip, focused on it's scab. Elaine gently picked at it, distracted when she noticed a shadow creep up behind her. She immediately turned around, seeing no one there. "Richie, this isn't funny!" She replied, frightened when she heard the shower's water turn on. "Richie is in the shower." She told herself, ignoring the shadow she thought she saw.

It must've been her imagination. "You're seeing things, Elaine." She narrated, pushing her crazy loose hair behind her ears. But, with time, the shadow came back. And this time, it looked familiar. Elaine gulped. No, it couldn't be. He was dead. "Chris?" She asked, quickly turning around, only for him to be gone again. She had to be hallucinating.

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