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    You sighed as you looked through the dark window of the car as trees and other cars passed. It had been just another day of work for you and other detectives and cops babying you for being the " young teen detective who solved miracles of hard cases". And you hated the stupidly long nickname they gave you, especially with how much your other 2 detectives in training dragged it out. It was mainly Che'nya who would always somehow pop up out of nowhere and never stop with the odd cat puns.  His purple and lavender locks never failed to surprise you as he popped out of nowhere in the weirdest ways.  Once you had a day off and were just minding your own business in the mall until you saw the tall bastard suddenly right in front of you. It was almost as if he just popped up out of nowhere. He's the most sus trainey you have to deal with. And it doesn't help you once saw him with your other trainey Neige with cat ears and a tail. You're onto him and you know he's probably a furry in hiding. Though you'll just wait till he comes out or tells you.  

But other than him as said your other assistant Neige that you are so thankful for! He's the sweetest man you've ever met in your life. And he's the only one who ever stopped calling you by your supposed title when you asked.  

But everyone has their flaws, such flaws are being a crybaby and obliviously adorable fool. You once asked him if you looked good in a new uniform they had assigned you. 

The raven-haired man's eyes then began to swell up with tears saying as he hugged you I quote " Of course, you do boss you always look amazing!" or " Boss your so amazingly perfect and utterly cool in anything you wear why would you ever even need to ask-."

 He's basically just an adorable simp for you that you somehow acquired, but you feel like he should be a model in your opinion. Also due to the fact he was used as bait to get info out of any suspects a lot. Yeah, in conclusion, Neige is just too much of a sweetheart for this job and he must be protected at all costs.

Though you have been noticing that both of them have been acting somewhat strange after some new cases. Especially with the new inking experiment that you three were given the task of solving. It's such a horrifying thing to solve. You've never seen anything like it before people turning into inky floating figures with shadows surrounding them along with drastic blood lust,  insatiable anger, or just horrifying grief that built up into anger. It had seemed to make the two of them eerily silent for once. It was almost as if the two had seen it before or had some info they made an unspoken agreement to never share with you. Though you didn't want to ask in case you made the two uncomfortable and due to you all just finding out only a week ago. But you still feel like they're hiding something else too. Along with 7 new criminal gangs-

" Hey-oh glorious young teen who solved a miracle of the hardest unsolved cases! Meow and Neige have been as quiet as a mouse!" Che'nya said with his goofy grin. 

" Well, it has been a busy day for all of us I think they're just tired." Neige chuckled as he took his eyes off the road for a second to look at you.

" What our purrfect little mouse is tired meow way!" Che'nya gasped dramatically as he presented to fall in the backseat.

You sighed at his horrible cat puns as he kept going on through most of the ride through the somewhat empty highway.  You all chuckled after a while of Che'nya  not running out of puns and constantly meowing at Neige. 

As the three of you were drowning in laughter you couldn't help but see a huge truck approaching you at an alarmingly fast rate...




To be continued

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