Long Time No See

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You sat in the small hospital bed tapping your nails against the small railing on it as you waited for the nurse or doctor to give you your last test results. So far you've just been questioned on what you remembered, seeing if anything in your head was messed up still, and lots of check-ups. Turns out the car you were in had caught on fire and was almost crushed into a oblivion, but lucky all you had was head trauma. Though if you didn't get hurt so badly why did you have to have bandage's wrapped over your head and torso? Every time you needed your bandages changed your head had a few stitches and your torso had a huge stab in it. Though the nurses kept saying " Don't worry it was much worse while you were in your coma." You think that it's just a way they tried to comfort you since you had woken up to being tested and having lots of check-ups. They where helpful you had to admit since you could almost barely even walk. You can walk, but just have a hard time running along with a small limp. It's not too noticeable. 

Though you found it strange that after 3 days a family member or someone other than Neige and Che'nya would come visit you.  The two had been trying to jog your memory with stuff you've done with them but nothing had ever came to mind. Though you do remember your family and that about it except for your childhood friend Deuce.  It was weird since you knew your parent/s/ grandparent would have come rushing in by now. It was starting to get concerning too with how long it's been taking. You're even almost done with your check ups. All you had at the moment for entertainment was the TV and nothing exept my little pony was on and it kept replaying your least favorite episode.  But other than that it was just the worst shows and movies in general. 

"Why am I being left alone for so long?" you groaned out loud in the cold room. You sighed once again wishing you had something other than the plastic bars on your bed to toy with. You had barley even been visited by one except Che'nya and Neige. You kept thinking about why they were the only two who visited you.Not that you weren't thankful for them.  

The two were very nice and thoughtful. They would even bring you lunch on their breaks whenever they had the time too. Along with Neige's many and you mean many pie's. Mostly apple or blueberry. They were very good just you wished he would calm down on making pies for you.

Che'nya on the other hand just kept making cat puns, randomly popping out of nowhere, and he might have a staring problem. Though still both very nice but still a bit too clingy.

You sighed once again remembering that they both couldn't come at all today due to something with some "gangs". Just some work stuff that was very boring but more entertaining than watching TV or staying in the cold hospital bed. As if your prayers were heard a knock on the door. 

" L/n, you have a visitor waiting outside for you. Would you like them to come in?" She said as you nodded enthusiastically with a yes wondering who it was. Your reason for excitement was due to the nurse usually saying it's Neige or Che'nya, but this time they didn't. The possibilities were endless. It could be a family member or another friend of yours. 

As if someone was listening to your prayers once again a familiar tall figure emerged from the door. His blonde hair and turquoise eyes watered upon seeing you a he rushed over to hug you. 

" Y/N!" He cried as his muscular arms embraced you in a tight hug lifting you off the bed. His rushed hug catching you off guard along with your old friends new appearance . 

" I can't believe it! It's really you!" He exclaimed before noticing you struggling to get out of his muscular arms. He let you go with a small chuckle.

You both where excited to see each other after so many years. The two of you talked for a while as the lilac haired nurse stayed in the room cleaning or doing something with notes. Though you kept noticing the occasional glances she'd give Deuce. You eventually started to get on the topic of when you're leaving the hospital and to your surprise he said " I'm actually taking you home today." 

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